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Jesus in the Garden

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:20 am
by darinhouston
As part of our Lenten study in our church "life group" we are listening to some Easter teaching by JD Greer and he made the point that the Father had already "abandoned" Jesus in the garden and focused on how alone and separated he felt during his prayers. He particularly noted that Jesus' prayers that the "cup pass" were not answered and that the Father was silent during this time.

I wonder if anyone had considered this before. I think it goes too far to assume that he asked three times because he hadn't received a response. Since there are examples where prayers were answered in the negative and after numerous pleadings God's mind was changed, it is just a possible that Jesus just kept asking because he was hoping for a different answer.

So, what are your thoughts on the Father's abandoning Jesus in the garden, how he may have felt "alone" (apart from the apostles sleeping) with respect to the Father (or spirit) and whether his prayers met silence for the first time in his life?

Re: Jesus in the Garden

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:18 pm
by Darrell

Our Lord's prayers were conditional, even though His will was to not drink the cup His greatest desire was for the Father's will to be done. Because of this it doesn't seem like a response was needed.

I don't believe The Father abandoned The Son because Someone sent the angel to minister to Him.

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Re: Jesus in the Garden

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:54 pm
by darinhouston
Very good point - I had not remembered that and it isn't in the Matthew passage we were looking at. Thanks.