angels male or female or?

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Re: angels male or female or?

Post by glow » Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:19 pm

wonderful! Thank you!

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Re: angels male or female or?

Post by Jepne » Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:40 pm

Wow Darin - wild!

Some thoughts: There is something I have been thinking about. When I am writing in my journal I will write about, say, a disturbing phone call, and then I will write - What do you think of that Lord? And sometimes, it will be like He is answering my question and say something about the way I handled the call, for instance. And I have played the flute, spirit-led in a way that the flute prophesies.

So, I have this experience, and we know He wants to talk to us and communicate, right? So, why not with art? With drawing, paint, clay? Going outside the concern with being scripturally correct while in the process, and rather, using scripture and prayer to judge whether the work is from God or not afterward - like one would judge prophecy.

Be blessed.
"Anything you think you know about God that you can't find in the person of Jesus, you have reason to question.” - anonymous

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Re: angels male or female or?

Post by glow » Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:12 pm

good note,

I definitely pray and try to connect with God in the process.I think also because I am in the process of picking this gift back back up in the last few years,after setting it on a back burner, I am also concerned on just getting technique etc. right.

Back in my personnel comfort zone and being it is an evangelizing tool, I like to have the right words to share also.

I like to paint in old world style.I tend to drift towards those artists of the past and use some of their painting techniques.

Its also "fun" to see the written word portrayed as in the word specific.Art is in the eye of the beholder as is all of all Gods creations, thats for sure.

I appreciate your encouragement tho! Thanks!

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