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Dealing with Abortion Approving Clergy

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:41 am
by jzubo
Dear Steve and Narrow Path Readers:

Recently, I was listening to a political radio talk show through the internet.
The moderator of the show was interviewing a 'clergyperson' who is trying to remove the religious stigma of abortion and sexuality.

Their web site, unfortunately, can be found at
(please note I am not promoting the distribution of this site at all).

In the commentary of the clergyperson during the talk show, when speaking about abortion, she mentioned the Bible prohibits murder, but in her opinion, abortion is not murder.

Wow, how can a so-called clergyperson declare that because, in her definition, abortion is not murder, it can somehow be justified? Is this the argument of 'mercykilling'? Is mercy killing or abortion condoned in the Bible at all? I can't find it.

As we know, the 10 commandments does talk about not taking life. Exodus 20:13 says, "You shall not kill."

My question for Steve and others today is, what does scripture, like Exodus 20:13, really mean when talking about killing or taking a life?
How can we argue for PRO-LIFE by using the scriptures?
What should our stance be as Christians on abortion and so-called mercy killing?

Please refer to the link below: ... condemned/

John Z in Canada

Re: Dealing with Abortion Approving Clergy

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:13 pm
by steve7150
How can we argue for PRO-LIFE by using the scriptures?
What should our stance be as Christians on abortion and so-called mercy killing?

There are verses that say God knew us before we were in the womb or John the Baptist leapt for joy in the womb but not much specifically addressing abortion. I think it's more that we accept that God creates everything and we do not have the right to interfere with this creation order.
In Luke 1 Elizabeth's fetus is called "a son" and "a babe" and in Job 3.16 an unborn baby who died was called an infant that never saw light. So although there may not be a lot there is enough to indicate an unborn baby is a human being to God.
BTW some pro-choice people actually acknowledge that the fetus is a human being.

Re: Dealing with Abortion Approving Clergy

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:33 am
by Singalphile
My inadequately brief responses:
My question for Steve and others today is, what does scripture, like Exodus 20:13, really mean when talking about killing or taking a life?
The intentional, unjust killing of another human life. In a word: murder.
How can we argue for PRO-LIFE by using the scriptures?
I would not do that, generally speaking.
What should our stance be as Christians on abortion and so-called mercy killing?
As a Christian: It is wrong to intentionally and unjustly kill a human being. (See Matthew 15:19-20, Revelation 21:8 for some condemnation of murder.) A human fetus is a human being just as a human adolescent or human adult is a human being. That's not based on opinion nor any religious doctrine; it's just a biological fact. Therefore, it is wrong to intentionally and unjustly kill a human fetus. "Mercy killing" is a bit more complicated, I think.

That website is pathetic and very sad, imo.

Re: Dealing with Abortion Approving Clergy

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:28 am
by Paidion
The writer of the anonymous letter to Diognetus, believed to have been written about 130 A.D., in describing the Christians' way of life, states in chapter 5:

[Christians] marry as do all others; they beget children; but they do not destroy their offspring.

The underlined words had they been translated literally, would read "but they do not cast away fetuses."

Re: Dealing with Abortion Approving Clergy

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:35 pm
by jarrod
Steve made a good statement in a recent afternoon radio broadcast about one of the main distinctives of a Christian being that God is at the center of our life and not ourself. For me, that seems to be the main issue of abortion. A child is often viewed as a hinderance on an individuals or family's lifestyle as opposed to a blessing from the Lord. I think in ancient times it was not viewed as beneficial to have a female or crippled child and as a result many families would choose to destroy them -- a practice not found among Christians (per Homer's posted excerpt). Most people give examples of the extreme cases where abortion should be allowed (as in a case of rape), but then use the law to justify abortion for any reason. I just don't see it being our right to justify taking a life -- especially not guilty of any capital crime. I would rather leave those decisions to the Lord.