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Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:13 pm
by rcassell
Hi Brendan:

I apologize that it has taken me so long to reply. I have had a house guest who has been occupying the room where my computer is stationed.
Thank you very much for the reply. I appreciated your description of the American church being an amalgam of the worst parts of tribalism. I agree wholeheartedly. You comment, "don't hold your breath," accurately represents the response that I expected. I have just started going through the responses, but am quite pleased to see nine posts. Hopefully all of them will assist me in my search.

Thanks again,


Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:17 pm
by rcassell
Hi Matt:

Thank you very much for taking time to help me. I am familiar with Greg Boyd, and have several of his books. I have listened to some of his messages also. I enjoy his messages, but wish that he spent more time in pure expository Bible study.
I am not familiar with Bruxy Cavey. But, the Lord willing, I plan to download some of his sermons and start listening.



Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:23 pm
by rcassell
Hi Sean:

I certainly agree with your comments regarding the source of freedom. How disgusting it must be to the Lord that during virtually every American church service, He is asked to bless the American troops as they preserve our "freedom."
I frequently tell people that the motto of the American church is: "Do unto other nations before they do unto us." That is the constant "prayer" being offered up to their god. Unfortunately for the warmongers, they don't realize that the god they pray to is not the God of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.



Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:27 pm
by rcassell
Hi Paidion:

Thanks for telling me about Tolstoy's "My Religion." I have read some of Tolstoy's writings, but not that one. And, thanks for the Kindle reference. I plan to get it tonight. In reading your description, it sounds great. It seems to hit the nail on the head regarding the state of accepted American "Christianity," which is not Christianity at all.



Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:49 pm
by rcassell
Hi Singalphile:

If asked directly, most preachers that I have dealt with, do not openly endorse war. However, that doesn’t mean that they do not secretly or inadvertently do so. The question that I generally ask is the one that I mentioned earlier in this thread. “Do you (the preacher) pray for the safety of American troops in foreign lands? Or do you pray for the safety of Christians in foreign lands where American troops are stationed.” I have emailed this question to 20+ pastors in the past month, telling them that I desire to listen to their sermons provided they are not endorsing war from their pulpits. I received no response from any of them, except one. That pastor commended me to being discerning as to who I listen to. He then proceeded to “correct” my view of Christians and war, alleging that there is no problem with Christians killing others on the battlefield while serving in the military.
I do not normally listen to nationally known speakers, as I am seeking to truly understand Scripture. In my estimation, most of them compromise the Truth in order to gain and audience (and money.) I have listened to many nationally known men, such as John MacArthur, Charles Swindoll, David Jeremiah, R C Sproul, J Vernon McGee, etc. They all teach varying amounts of truth. In some areas, each of them can be beneficial. Yet, when it comes to such an offensive doctrine to the modern “believer” as Christian nonparticipation in war and loving our enemies, rather than killing them, none of these men would preach such doctrines. When it comes to the offense of the Gospel, they are offended by the Person and commands of the Lord. For most of them, preaching this truth would be the end of their popular ministries. Of the men mentioned above, MacArthur, Jeremiah and Swindoll are adamant proponents of killing anyone that the nation of Israel considers to be a “threat.” Their views towards America’s enemies are similar. Sproul, not being dispensational, but being a Calvinist, is a hardcore promoter of the combination of church and state. He glorifies war, particularly through the murderer John Calvin (who orchestrated the murder of Michael Servetus), the bloodthirstiness of Oliver Cromwell, as he murdered millions of people in Europe (supposedly in the name of Christianity), the Civil War, etc. Of course, they all glorify American wars and soldiers as being agents of preserving liberty and even Christianity (through the preservation of America.) To listen to all of them, one would have to conclude that Christianity would be greatly damaged if America ceased to exist. In fact, one might even wonder how Christianity survived before the existence of America. The church so perpetuates the nation of America as being the foundation of worldwide Christianity, that the survival of Christianity is doubtful without a continued strong America. Of course, I say all of this with disgust. But it does go to show how deviant the American church has become in relaying what the Bible really teaches.
In reality, in America today, if a pastor does not openly oppose participation in wars for Christians, he is silently endorsing it. The reason that I make that assertion is that virtually all “Christians” believe that Christianity focuses on the existence of America, and that God uses America’s military ventures to promote liberty and Christianity throughout the world. Greg Boyd is the only nationally known preacher that I know of, who openly stands for the Lord Jesus regarding these truths. I would strongly encourage anyone who believes that I am wrong, to ask their own pastor the questions that I mentioned. And, look at your own church meetings. Does the pastor, elder, deacon, etc, who is leading in prayer, pray for God to bless the American soldier as he preserves our “liberty”? Conversely, has anyone in your church ever asked for prayer for the Christians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, etc, that God would keep and preserve them from the violence around them, including the violence brought by American soldiers? If anyone has, please send the name of your pastor. I will do my best to get some of his sermons. At the church that I attend, I ask prayer for Christians in those countries engulfed by wars, particularly America wars. I am openly shunned by some, and visibly hated by others. Fortunately, my pastor has reassured the congregation that my prayer request is valid and Biblical.
Hopefully I answered your question. If not, please let me know and I will try again.


Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:03 pm
by rcassell
Hi Brendon:

Once again, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I, like you, do not participate in politics. I have no trust or attraction for either party. But, you are right regarding conservative churches being advocates for the Republican party. Conservatives truly believe that the Republican party supports Christianity. But, the general nature of being conservative is to be an unthinking follower. That certainly describes today's conservatives that fill most churches. For me, the choice of the Republican party (the nationalist / fascist socialists) versus the Democrats (the liberal humanist socialists) leaves me with no affiliated party. I am not a socialist. I am a Christian. You cannot be both. In reality, I believe that the Republican party is the more dangerous of the two parties. First, I believe that they are bigger liars than the Democrats, in general. The Democrats come much closer to saying what they believe and represent. That cannot be said of the Republicans. They are pure deceivers and liars. In my opinion, it is one of the most significant ways that Satan keeps the false church attached to the state, and disassociated with the Lord. The "Jesus" of these nationalist / patriotic churches is not the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible. The Lord warned that there would be many false christs. American conservative Christianity is blindlessly following one of those false christs.

Have a nice evening,


Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:30 pm
by Singalphile
Thanks for the response, rcassell. I listen to various podcasts/radio shows, and I don't agree with any of them all the time, so I can relate to some extent.

Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:58 pm
by rcassell
Hi Singalphile:

I may have given the wrong impression. I don't expect to agree with anyone all of the time. If I did, then I would never learn and grow. My objection comes when preachers choose the world over the Lord in areas that are crucial for the times. If a preacher's focus is on the earthly nation in which he dwells, rather than in the Kingdom of God, then he reveals himself to be a false pastor. I have no problem listening to men that I disagree with on many subjects. However, when their ministries reveal them to be wolves in sheep's clothing, then I do not listen to anything that they say. Even though they might be knowledgeable, and even correct, in certain areas of doctrine, I fear being misled by things that they say - things that appear to have the smallest of meanings. Yet, in reality, the small deviations in key areas can cause wholesale deception and apostasy. Satan is much more clever than me. I dare not listen to a man that I perceive to be one of his messengers.

Have a nice evening,


Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:11 pm
by thrombomodulin
post removed by author

Re: Preachers who do not advocate war from the pulpit

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:08 pm
by Homer
Seems like that "cast the first stone" business has been ignored. I scarcely think my neighbors' ten ton, rock hauling dump truck would hold an adequate supply for all the rocks being thrown around here. Don't forget to chuck a few Billy Graham's way, he opposed the pacifists and seems to be missing from those listed.