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Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:07 pm
by jaydam
Listening to some podcasts of the radio program, I have heard a few callers ask Steve about Bethel Church or Bethel's theology. I make this post towards offering a little more insight into Bethel, and the growing threat I believe they are.

Over the past year, Bethel has greatly extended their influence from the Bay Area up to Portland/Vancouver, and I have watch several good friends get sucked in it through Bethel directly or their church plants.

As a brand new Christian (2011-2012), I almost got sucked in myself, but could not biblically rectify their leaders attempting to vomit (dry heave) the Holy Spirit into me, their use of New Age tuning forks to create love feelings through vibrations, or their trips to cemeteries to lie on the graves of dead Christian leaders to pick up mantels of anointing.

Here are a couple quotes from the book Heavy Rain by Kris Vallotton, Bethel's head "prophet" and the right hand of their leader, Apostle Bill Johnson.
But Mary treasured all these things [the prophetic word the angel gave her about giving birth to the Savior of the world], pondering them in her heart (Luke 2:19). Mary brooded over the word of God in her heart and gave birth to the Messiah. What she imagined became flesh and dwelt among us... When we dream with God, as Mary did, we go-create masterpieces of HIS imagination.
Jacob's experience with spotted and speckled sheep, recorded in Genesis 30, illustrates this principle. Jacob worked for his father-in-law, Laban, for a long time. After 14 turbulent years of mistrust and dishonesty, Jacob was ready to leave. He told his father-in-law to give him what was his so he could go his own way. Although Laban was a liar and a cheat, he was no fool. He knew that Jacob was making him a fortune. Laban told Jacob to name his wage and stay working for him. But Jacob knew that no matter what his wages were, his father-in-law would find some way to swindle him out of them. He had to come up with a foolproof plan so Laban couldn't take advantage of him. Finally, Jacob got this crazy idea. He told Laban that he would work for all the spotted and speckled sheep and goats. They struck a deal, and then the story takes on a bizarre twist. Jacob carved spots and speckles in some branches and put them in front of the watering hole whenever the strongest sheep and goats were mating there. What happened next is pretty amazing. Those sheep and goats began giving birth to spotted and speckled offspring!

As I pondered this strange passage, it dawned on me that this was not a lesson in agriculture! It is a parable of how we, His sheep, reproduce through our imagination. The watering hole is a place of reflection. It represents the place where we imagine, dream and envision the future with God. As we meditate on these ideas, our hearts become “wombs" in which we gestate them like seeds until we give birth to them as offspring.
It is amazing the change I have seen in my friends who have joined Bethel. One was my mentor and his wife who taught me the importance of theology, but now as I try to show them biblical errors in Bethel, they have literally told to "throw out the theological crap."

The change in spirit in many of my friends who have joined the Bethel ranks - from being open conversationalists about the Bible, to shutting down and attacking me personally rather than discuss the Bible - seems to speak for the spirit of Bethel.

It is sad, especially to see Bethel expanding so rapidly in N. California and Oregon.

Re: Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:23 pm
by TheEditor
This sounds rather frightening, Jaydam. Can you get a sense of what it is about these folks that is so appealing to your friends? It sounds kind of hoky to me.

Regards, Brenden.

Re: Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:50 pm
by jaydam
TheEditor wrote:This sounds rather frightening, Jaydam. Can you get a sense of what it is about these folks that is so appealing to your friends? It sounds kind of hoky to me.

Regards, Brenden.
If I had to sum it up in short, it would be self-empowerment.

They cloak it in the appeal of a new move of the Holy Spirit, exciting experience beyond "stale" scripture, etc. But what I believe it really boils down to is a selfish sense of wanting to be awed and be told you are personally empowered.

Bethel is word of faith as well as at the front of the New Apostolic Reformation.

As for word of faith, the lead apostle, Bill Johnson claims that through faith and Christ's atonement no sickness or disease has power over us. Yet the interesting thing is that his son Eric, also a Bethel pastor, is deaf and despite much prayer and faith they have been unable to heal Eric.

Relating to the NAR, Bill Johnson and other leaders of the movement teach that we are on the cusp of another Day of Pentecost. They look to a repeat of Acts 2 in the modern day.

In a nutshell, the doctrines teach the idea of empowered Christians who are meant to rule the world, have perfect health, be rich, and be able to do supernatural things - empowerment. Its appealing.

I have seen supernatural things happen around the Bethel movement with my own eyes, there is power there, but I cannot say what spirit it is. Some of it produces good, but some of it sets my own conscience and spirit on edge.

An aside, one of the things I experienced during a trip as a "young" Christian to Bethel was their practice of getting drunk in the "spirit." A Bethel leader came up to me and laid his hands on me. I had just arrived at Bethel and was unsuspecting. I immediately felt heat and a drunken state to where I had to hold onto the wall to walk. Having come out of drugs and alcohol, this intoxicated state did not feel much different. The leader told me it was the Holy Spirit filling me with his fire and intoxicating me. The feeling wore off over the next 30-60 minutes. That was my first experience with that. It happened a few more times through the laying on of hands.

My thoughts on it are too long to type right now on the incident, but I do not know as it was truly the Holy Spirit. Part of the reason is because Bethel makes a practice of chasing the drunken state - which admittedly felt good - more than they seem to chase the Holy Spirit.

Additionally, they say the heat is the baptism in fire which John the Baptist referenced Christ would bring. The parallel the baptism in fire with the baptism in the Holy Spirit. However, I see the fire John referred to as hell fire - judgment. So, if that is the fire they claim to be passing around, I'm not sure I want to be a part of it.

Anyway, misc. thoughts along with an answer to your question.

Re: Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:24 pm
by TheEditor
That's interesting, Jaydam. It seems they have more in common with Scientology in some respects than Christianity. Most of these groups seem to place an inordinate amount of emphasis on the "self"--self empowerment, being rich, being able to perform supernaturally--I can see the carnal appeal, but where do they find this in Christian teaching? Bizarre.

Regards, Brenden.

Re: Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:22 pm
by steve
I imagine it is just the next logical step in the self-affirming gospel that we have preached in this country for years. The idea that the purpose of salvation is the personal escape from hell and the enrichment of one's own life (in a spiritual sense) soon morphs into the idea that I ought to be enriched in every category, if Jesus loves me and paid the price for my happiness and well-being.

The biblical idea that salvation's purpose is that God will be glorified in my life—whether in my prosperity or my poverty, in my sickness or in my health, by my life or by my death—is not a gospel that is often preached, and is one that would guard against the carnal deceptions associated with Word of Faith teachings.

The disdain for "stale" biblical theology immunizes their teachers from any discerning criticism—which cuts off any necessary moorings to Christianity, ultimately.

Re: Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:24 pm
by TheEditor
Hi Steve,

I suppose that's true. I just often have a hard time squaring certain ideas with the Jesus of the Bible. "God wants me to have a Rolex" comes to mind. I suppose it is a variant on 'the Bible is an old fiddle on which you can play any tune', but what tunes! :shock:

Regards, Brenden.

Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:37 pm
by jaydam
I meant to add in my earlier post.

Most of Bethel's teaching and books these days are about bringing the truths of the New Age movement into the church.

And the New Age is all about man's empowerment, so along with what Steve said, it seems the obvious next step for a self-affirming gospel to join forces with the self-actualizing New Age movement.

Re: Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:48 am
by jaydam
As I said in my first post, I have an interest in Bethel, and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement they are a part of, as I have watched many of my friends get pulled into the movement.

Just in the interest of keeping information updated in this thread for any who care, I'm posting the following:

The NAR, and Bethel, have a relatively new Bible translation in their circles called the Passion Translation given by Dr. Brian Simmons. Some endorsements of it:
"Brian Simmons is a brilliant man that has been given fresh revelation and insight into the deeper meaning of the Scriptures."
"Brian and Candice are friends of the Holy Spirit and it is with His guidance that the Bible is being opened to us with greater clarity than ever before through this translation project. I believe that the release of the Passion Translation coincides with a global awakening and this new translation has been given by God to fuel the fire of this Awakening."
"I pray that as you read these sacred works, the fire of God will awaken you to a fresh hunger. It was through a life changing encounter with God that Brian was commissioned to do this translation and I believe that an impartation for Holy Spirit encounters is released through his ministry."
Here are some excerpts:

Ephesians 1:3 The Passion Translation
"Everything Heaven contains has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful Heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus—all because He sees us in Christ. This is why we praise Him with all our hearts! "

Philippians 4:8 The Passion Translation
"So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always."

2 Timothy 1:6-7 The Passion Translation
"I'm writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you, for the anointing was activated when I laid my hands upon you. Keep the inner power of your spiritual gifts alive and strong! For God will never give you the spirit of cowardly fear, but He has given you the mighty Spirit of Power, Love, and Revelation Light!"

One passage of interest to me is the Passion translation's take on Luke 22:41-44:
Then he withdrew from them a short distance to be alone. Kneeling down, he prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup of agony away from me. But no matter what, your will must be mine." Jesus called for an angel of glory to strengthen him, and the angel appeared. He prayed even more passionately, like one being sacrificed, until he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat became drops of blood dripping onto the ground.
The verse footnote in the Passion translation says:
Jesus asked to be spared from death in the garden so that he could go all the way to the cross. His prayer was answered. The blood that dripped in the garden would not redeem. Jesus had to carry the cross and fulfill all that was written of him.

Re: Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:07 am
by dizerner
Sounds like it's addressing the Mormon belief?

Either way quite odd, thanks for sharing.

Re: Bethel - Redding, CA

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:39 am
by crgfstr1
This is indeed very scary and troubling to see. I do believe that we are living in a time of great famine.