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Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" claim

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 7:50 pm
by jpat1975
A certain concerned Christian heard a person of colour announce a vigil for Michael Brown in Ferguson. After hearing of other "murders" by police she decided that this church group would not comfort her, and took it upon herself organize it. She also was doing so in relation to the "black lives matter" movement. This set off alarm bells and concerns in this concerned Christian decided to contact her privately via social media messaging to discuss. There was a delay in response and since they did not know each others very well (it's a big group) it was unclear to the sender why the delay was. Finally she responded and even used a smiley face, and graciously and gently disagreed. She never shut down communications nor indicated for this person to stop writing. This gave the concerned Christian the false impression it was ok to keep writing. Then at some point she suddenly shut down communications. Why? It seems this was after she learned this person had talked with another person on this subject, less versed, who changed his position, and removed something he posted in relation to that (realizing the error in falling for the SJW propaganda, and seeing the whole narrative for what it was). Any how that's what seems to have triggered the sudden change in tone, and her suddenly disabling private messaging chat.

In hindsight this certain concerned Christian felt they could have been less direct in communication with her - yet nothing in the way of a personal attack was given. Just seems an overreaction. In hindsight this Christian also wishes those communications could have been less direct, and tried to get to know this SJW sister better. This concerned Christian had made the mistake of giving her the benefit of the doubt, of being Christian, and therefore not a full-on SJW - just a well meaning Christian concerned with the black community, but not a radical.

But she took it upon herself to report this concerned Christian to the leadership - under the false story that warnings to STOP communicating had been given - when in fact, she gave NO such warning. Thankfully the leadership did not believe her, since they could see in whatever she would have sent in the way of screenshots (which she sent) showed very clearly that NO warning was given by her. Just a suddden change in tone on her part - from gracious to upset, and shutting down communications.

Thus the leadership did not side with her, nor reprimand the concerned Christian but tried to encourage love and reconciliation. Of course the leadership did communicate gently with them both, and was fair. She took this badly, and the concerned Christian tried to be as diplomatic, and gentle in as few words as possible to disengage from the subject.

Time passed. Though private messaging was disabled between the two (by her), they were still connected on social media on each others list of contacts.

At one point after sending a "poke" (non-verbal, wave hello) on this platform she finally blocked this person. That was the last even communication of any kind to her directly. A non-verbal electronic wave hellow. A lot of time had passed, so this seemed like a huge overreaction to something so small as a electronic wave hello. No emails had been sent to her. There was no way to private message her.

Just as no pre-warning not to send more communcations was never given, and led this concerned Christian to conclude it was ok to send more stuff (prior to shutting down chat capabilities), this person assumed they were still on reasonable terms - just not talking on social media. It should be noted this person was not at the services very much. Later on this person moved away to another city. A year after she shut down chat, this concerned Christian decided to ask someone (who knew this lady) what had happened, and spoke freely on general throughts about SJW's and cultural marxism and what was clearly speculation on this lady being caught up in that deception of cultural marxism, which we all know is not inspired by God, but from the devil. Please note this communication was a private one and sent to another person, and not to this lady. She had no way of knowing. Even so this other person, who knew her, unwisely stirred things up by sending this SJW-Christian lady screenshots. She in turn reported this to the leadership of the church. This led to an email to the concerned Christian by the leadership urging him not to communicate anything else passing along how she said it was harassment. This concerned Christian was shocked, but agreed and cooperated fully, even though the most recent message was not sent to the lady, but to someone else. The leadership was satisfied with that and moved on.

Not long after she posts about this very briefly on another internet platform and blows the whole thing out of proportion. On her post she claimed she had experienced here "church harassment" and not feeling welcome nor supported by the leadership. She attributes this to "racism" and the story brought up also the "#metoo" movement about women being harassed.

It should also be noted that In her own account of this story she even acknowledged that it never occurred to her initially this was "harassment" until she went to her presumably SJW/leftest friends who seem to have change her view on that.

Thankfully she had the good sense not to name names, as that would have certainly endangered the life of this concerned Christian.

Very sad that this sort of thing exists in church groups.

What are your own thoughts on this story, and "church harassment" in the form of fellow members of a local group questioning and raising concerns.

Any similar stories in your own groups?

What are your thoughts on SJW who attend your group, and do you think there might be a risk of this leading to groups being led into cultural marxism.

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:14 am
by TK
Why specifically did the "concerned Christian" think it was so necessary to engage in dialogue with this woman?

If I engaged with every person on social media that I disagree with politically it would be a full time endeavor.

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:46 am
by jpat1975

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:14 am
by jpat1975

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:34 am
by jpat1975

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:11 pm
by Paidion
SJW? Social Justice Worker? I looked SJW up on my acronym finder, and that is the only meaning that seemed to fit the context.

Acronyms interfere with my comprehension of a post, unless in its initial use, its reference is written out in full. That takes but 2 or 3 seconds.

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:41 am
by jpat1975

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:45 am
by jpat1975
Zealots in Jesus day were radicals who were misguided in how they felt society and injustices were to be addressed. This describes the mindset of those sucked I to the SJW related movements. If only this lady had heard some sermons to gently illustrate that point. How might you witness to a young and impressionable congregation to vaccinate them from that? Be specific in terms of bible verses and talking points which they could easily make the connection. What would be advisable to say and how specific would one care go?

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:54 am
by jpat1975

Re: Story of a certain SJW Christian lady's "harassment" cla

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:11 pm
by Paidion
Some of you may get a kick out of the following, which seems to be a parody of a social justice warrior: