cognitive therapy

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cognitive therapy

Post by _moe » Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:50 pm

Steve and others,

I heard a christian medical doctor speaking on cognitive therapy.
He said if we could go for 14 days without negative distorted thinking
a depressed person could help the frontal lobe of his brain.
There are many scriptures such as Think upon the things above that are lovely, pure and of a good report.... Let the words of our mouth AND
the meditation of our hearts be acceptable.......... I know you dont agree with christian counseling, there are many people who may need counseling and is there a place for self esteem, cognitve therapy
along with diet and exercise for depression? Is this therapy sinful?

thank you
Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.

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Post by _glow » Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:17 pm

Well I'm not Steve but I am an "other"...teehee

.I believe , I am a true believer who has used Christian counselors. I think probubly your maturity level in the Lord will help you desern better when meeting with one, whether they are helping you or not.

I do not personally think it is a sin as long as you are not putting man over the Lord.. I had gone to some marriage type counsel with my husband when he was still alive and also personal counsel. I have seen people helped by it and some walk away feeling like they didn't get much positive from it. Depression is a hard one. I have several people in my family from both sides who have batteled with Mental illness as some might call it. I don't call it that.I had a bought of it after one of my children were born so I feel like I can understand it some first hand.

From my experience of those arounds me, I believe alot of it (labeling) is mans way of dealing with some thing spiritual they don't' understand but on the other hand I have seen family members have significant improvement with some of the antidepressents that are out there, with counsel and prayer.Being that it is man made, there is a trade off and side effects.

That has led me personally to beleive just like diabetes and some oither medical maladys , some mental problems can be aggrivated by chemicals being off etc. But I don't think you can leave the spiritual side out of it either. When I observe those around me that have had counsel and walk close with the Lord vs those who don't "seem" to walk close, clearly the ones who add the Lord are much better off.

I have seen a Chrisitan counseler my self. Actually a cple in times past. Like any one else they are all individuals. I have had to not agree with them at times because what they were guiding me on, or I felt I disagreed with how they interpruted scripture and what they were asking me to consider, but I have also had great wisdom and help in areas too. I have had them not pray with you at all yet, they consider themselves Christian therapist. I think the Lord can use many different ways to guide us in our lives and it is fine as long as it does not go against his word and become sin.And thankfully if we get lost along the way, we can repent and be put back on the right path again.

The one I have seen most recently.( he is helping me still get over some greif issues as I am a widow now, and some old baggage) Has been very good in the sense he prays with me before we start, asks for the Lords guidance. At times in a session if I am upset about something etc. He has me pray to the Lord to reveal to me whats up, and listen. Most all the time a still soft voice reveals it to me. If I need to repent I do, if some thing else I do that. He has his bible there and if I doubt something etc. he has scripture to share.But I don't rely soley on this Dr. either.

I read the word by myself. Seek my local pastor and friends and do alot of praying by myself. The Dr. I am seeing now also does biofeedback on the side. I know there was some one on another board who wondered if that was new age. Myself I understand he just uses it as a tool, biofeedback so you can see and feel how you are reacting to a certain situation. The screen shows it in a graphic intepretation and it helps you tune into that feeeling with your emotions etc.

I don't think you really "need" any of this ultimately. God and the holy spirit can provide us first hand with all of our answers. But I also beleive being that we are a body of believers and the word does encourage us to seek counsel I think it can be appropriate. You just need to be careful who you are sharing with. Pray for Gods disernment. I know the Dr. I have seen believes you can renew your mind. And that is what he prays for and helps me see if I am repeating old patterns and to pray and put my vision on the new patterns and the positive life the Lord has given me in all my struggles.

I think if some one has a very close circle of friends, who have had similar struggles and they are wise and open to sharing you could get alot of that with out a counselor. I hope this has helped. I know it is just one persons opinion but I am a believer so I feel like it is ok under the Lord that I share this with you. God bless you on your journey, Keep your eyes on the prize and life won't get you so down. Focus on how the Lord is with you always and loves you so, personally.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. the Lord wants us all to be redeemed and refreshed. Glow
Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.

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