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How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:41 pm
by dwight92070
Please google PragerU and see this video.

Re: How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:36 am
by dwight92070
I heard an interesting quote: Socialism spends the money that capitalism created.

Look at the Obama presidency: One of his first bills that he signed was the so-called stimulus bill, almost 1 trillion dollars, which is 1 million millions of dollars! Remember this was to pay for all the much needed infrastructure in our country. How much of it actually went for that? By all accounts, not much, if any. It went mainly to unions and other friends of Obama who started up so-called sustainable energy companies, some of which failed, but did they pay the government back? No, but they sure did vote for Obama in his 2nd term. In other words, the money was stolen from the rest of us capitalists who work for a living.

Talk about redistribution of wealth. Socialism feeds off of capitalism. The totals are in on Obama's vacations. He spent over 100 million dollars of our money for his vacations. That has to be the most ever. That comes out to about $34,245 a day for 8 years.

How about the gym memberships that the Obama administration paid for, for each member of one of his departments, I believe it was the Department of Homeland Security. This was for TSA and ICE employees - $450,000. The rest of us capitalists have to pay for our own gym memberships from our paychecks, but the socialists in charge thought we should pay for their memberships too.

The socialist Obama presidency almost doubled our national debt, again using our money or adding to our debt, now at 19 trillion. What do we have to show for it? Windmills and solar panels that have proven to be more costly and less efficient than fossil fuels, besides requiring fossil fuel backups. National lawsuits against states that are trying to protect their borders from illegals, or who want proper ID when voting. Hatred for police. PC rules for the military who were told not to shoot, even if shot at. Extreme intolerance for anyone who dares to disagree with them. Don't forget the $150,000 that Obama sent to Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism.

I guess there is one thing we can thank the socialist Obama regime for: President Trump.

Re: How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:25 am
by steve7150
Don't forget the $150,000 that Obama sent to Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism.

I guess there is one thing we can thank the socialist Obama regime for: President Trump.

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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:09 am

That's 150 billion to Iran, plus as a parting gift Obama's last trip after Trump's inauguration the taxpayers were obligated to pay for his trip home, which is in Wash DC. Instead Obama took the opportunity to take his family straight to Hawaii, paid by us!

Re: How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 2:48 pm
by dwight92070
Three kids, ages twelve, nine and five (a boy and two girls) were sitting at their dinner table with their mother. The 12 year old boy was annoying his youngest sister so much that she blurted out, "Oliver, you need to stop talking - forever!" This inspired a volley of free speech rights, and ended with them yelling "shut up" at each other. The mother, desperate to stop the fighting and restore order, asked each of them in turn to tell her what they thought "free speech" meant. The 12 year old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included "Congress shall make no law," a quote from James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about "certain exceptions for public safety and libel."
The 9 year old girl then said that she had no idea what "public safety" or "libel" were, but that "it doesn't matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.
Then it was the 5 year old's turn. You could tell she'd been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: "Free speech is that you can say what you want -- as long as I like it!"

The mother (a Princeton graduate) suddenly had an insight into what each of them had said. Her oldest was a constitutional conservative, her middle child a libertarian, and her youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies. She also realized that in our country today, the opinion of the 5 year old girl is becoming more and more prevalent. That is, "you can say whatever you want, as long as I like it. If I don't like it, you can't say it."

This is socialism tending towards totalitarianism.

Re: How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 7:15 pm
by steve7150
The mother (a Princeton graduate) suddenly had an insight into what each of them had said. Her oldest was a constitutional conservative, her middle child a libertarian, and her youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies. She also realized that in our country today, the opinion of the 5 year old girl is becoming more and more prevalent. That is, "you can say whatever you want, as long as I like it. If I don't like it, you can't say it."

This is socialism tending towards totalitarianism.

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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:09 am

The enemy of free speech is this so called label of "hate speech" which is something Europe employs and this concept is growing here. If something is defined as hate speech in much of Europe it can't be said and this idea is spreading to college campuses as an excuse to ban conservatives from speaking there because as you could have predicted (without being a prophet) "the left" has decided all conservative speech is "hate speech!"

Re: How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 7:28 pm
by dwight92070
Which is why we need to pray that God would stop this trend. Also, as God leads, boldly and wisely exercise our right to free speech.

Re: How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:55 pm
by dwight92070
One of the socialist's main schemes to bring about total control of our lives is environmentalism. Since they first started their evil deeds in the 70's, they have many failed predictions:

1. Global cooling
2. Overpopulation
3. Mass global starvation
4. Resource depletion ("We're running out of oil!")
5. Mass global extinction
6. Renewable energy that would replace fossil fuels (They haven't. They are too unreliable and too expensive, or in the case of nuclear power or hydroelectric power, not politically correct.)
7. Global warming (Now climate change)

Al Gore is part of an elite group of about 30 "commissioners" called the Energy Transitions Commission. Their goal is to avert and mitigate climate change. But they need our help. What can we do for them? All they are asking for is $750,000,000,000 per year for the next 20 years! That is 3/4 of a trillion dollars per year for a total of 15 trillion dollars over the next 20 years. That is $15,000,000,000,000! Do you think we can spare that to help them out?

These people are global criminals and should not receive a penny! We have endured their lies for almost 50 years now and should strongly push back against the wickedness of so-called "global warming" or "climate change" ideology. They want to cram it down our throats, just like they did Obamacare, but we must continue to speak the truth.

Re: How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 7:00 am
by steve7150
These people are global criminals and should not receive a penny! We have endured their lies for almost 50 years now and should strongly push back against the wickedness of so-called "global warming" or "climate change" ideology. They want to cram it down our throats, just like they did Obamacare, but we must continue to speak the truth.

Posts: 389
Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:09 am

All this rhetoric about "saving the planet" or this or that is good or bad for the earth reminds me of Sun Worship from the Old Testament!

Re: How Socialism Ruined My Country

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:55 pm
by dwight92070
I agree. The origin is the same - Satan. As Jesus said: "I speak the things which I have seen with My Father; therefore you also do the things which you heard from your father." "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father." "Climate change" is a demonic conspiracy. He (satan) is a liar and the father of lies.