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In what name do we baptize?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 6:53 pm
by 21centpilgrim
so we all know the great commission instruction- to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19)

And we know that the record in Acts tells us that apostles did not do this but baptized in the name of Jesus.

So why this discrepancy? Were the disciples being disobedient to Christ and his instructions? Did they forget? Does it matter today how baptism is administered?

I remember faintly that 'Jesus only' , who are modelists right?, that they baptize according to the Acts model.

anyways, thanks for the consideration.

Re: In what name do we baptize?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 7:58 pm
by steve7150
And we know that the record in Acts tells us that apostles did not do this but baptized in the name of Jesus.

So why this discrepancy? Were the disciples being disobedient to Christ and his instructions? Did they forget? Does it matter today how baptism is administered?

I don't think this is necessarily a discrepancy , just that there may not be a single etched in stone method, so i would go with what the Apostles actually did since they were with Jesus a lot and used this method after his resurrection.