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Matt. Ch. 1-2

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:50 am
by RyanSantaCruz
Please excuse my unfamiliarity with the nature of forums, and also my understanding of the bible. I just had my 2nd birthday as new creation in Christ, last month. I love studying my bible but I find it somewhat frustrating because the more I study it, the more questions I have! So here are my first few questions; Where did Matthew get the information to write chapter 1 starting at Jesus' birth through chapter 2 especially details like what the angel said to Joseph(Matt. 2:13). Also, what about Christ's ministry prior to Matthew being called by Jesus. Did he interview eyewitnesses like Luke did or may he have been a witness himself to the sermon on the mount or the paralytic healing? Thanks so much -Ryan

Re: Matt. Ch. 1-2

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:31 am
by mattrose
The first church was made up of all those who had followed/believed Jesus. This would have included people like Mary the mother of Jesus (and at least some of his brothers), some pharisees, the disciples, etc. Mary would have been able to provide birth information. Someone like Nicodemus would have been able to provide behind the scenes info about the actions taken by the pharisees or whatnot. Just imagine how close knit the early church must have been (see Acts 1-2) and the stories they must have shared with each other.