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Steve Gregg Lecture on Communion / Breaking of Bread?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:49 pm
by Devin
Is anybody aware of an audio lecture of Steve Gregg teaching about communion / breaking of bread? I know I can splice some audio bites together from verse-by-verse teachings, but was hoping to find a thorough topical lecture on the matter. Thanks!

Re: Steve Gregg Lecture on Communion / Breaking of Bread?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:23 pm
by steve
I actually taught (for the first time I can recall) a topical study on this subject about a year ago. I thought I had recorded it, but when I opened the file that I thought was it, there was a different lecture there. I don't know if that lecture is lost, or if it got mislabeled, and I will someday discover it under a different title. In any case, I believe it will be useful for me to re-teach the subject.