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Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:08 pm
by robinriley
I also don't believe that you "died on the stake with Christ."
You weren't around when He died on the stake, and there's nothing in the Scriptures that affirms such a strange idea.

..."strange idea" ... You flabbergast me, truly!

Colossians is one of my favorite epistles, I've just gone throught it again, making some further adjustment,
and looking for "strange ideas" ...thought you might find this interesting ...for your reading pleasure; enjoy.


The Layman’s Companion (TLC), Part A, Book 7 of 13, Colossians

Epistolary and Salutation

1:1* Paulos, an apostle of Yeshua Anointed through [the] will of God, and Timotheos the brother, 1:2* unto the [ones] in Kolassai, sanctified and trusting brethren in [the] Anointed: Grace unto you and peace from God our Father, and of Lord Yeshua Anointed.

Reports and messages by Epafras

1:3* We thank unto the God and Father of Yeshua Anointed, the Lord of us, always praying about you; 1:4* to the trust of yours in Anointed Yeshua having heard, and to the love, the [love] for all the sanctified [ones], 1:5 through the expectation, the [expectation] being away-laid unto you, among the heavens, to which an [expectation] you had before-heard, in the word of the truth of the evangel; 1:6* of the [evangel] into you beside-being, also, according-as in every [one], and unto the regulated-world being grown and it be fruit-bearing; and, according-as among you, from which day the grace of God you had heard and had recognized, in truth; 1:7* according-as, also, you had learned from Epafras, the beloved together-slave of us which he be, a trustable servant over you, of the Anointed; 1:8 the [one], also, to the love of you having evidenced unto us, in spirit.

Paulos’ solicitude, and his prayers concerning their acknowledgment of the Secret

1:9 Through to this [matter], we also, from which day we had heard, we cease not praying and requesting over you, so-that to the recognition of the will of Same, you should be fulfilled, in every wisdom and spiritual intelligence; 1:10* you to about-walk worthily of the Lord, every [one] a pleasing [one], for’ every good work fruit-bearing, in and for’ the recognition of the God, being grown; 1:11 in every power being empowered, according-to the might of the glory of Same; into every under-abiding and long-temper with joy; 1:12* thanking unto the Father, the [One] to us, for’ the part of the allotment of the sanctified [ones], in the light having fitted; 1:13 Which, to us, had rescued out of the authority of the darkness, and into the kingdom of the love, of the Son of Same, He had transferred; 1:14 in Which, to the away-ransom, to the remission of the failings, we hold; 1:15 Which, a resemblance He be of the God, of the unseen [God]; firstborn of every creation, 1:16* that in Same there was created the all [things], the [things] among the heavens, and the [things] on the earth; the seen [things], and the unseen [things], if-besides thrones, if-besides lordships, if-besides preeminences’ if-besides authorities, through Same and for’ Same, there has had been created the all [things]. 1:17 And Same be before all [ones]; and in Same, there has had together-stood the all [things].

1:18 And Same be, the Head of the body, of the ecclesia; Which, He be, a beginning, firstborn [One] out of the dead [ones], so-that Same afore-being, He should become among all [things]. 1:19 That in Same, He had delighted, the every fulfillment to down-dwell; 1:20* and through Same, for’ Same, to the all [things] to away-down-change, having made-peace through the blood of the stake of Same; through Same, if-besides to the [things] on the earth, if-besides to the [things] on the heavens.

1:21* And hostile [ones] when-once being, and having had been away-alienated unto the thorough-comprehension in the works, the wicked [works], [1:22*] yet right-now to you He had away-down-changed, 1:22* in the body of the flesh, through the death of Same; to you [as] sanctified, and flawless, and unindicted [ones] to beside-stand, down-insight of Same; 1:23* if-surely you on-remain unto the trust having had been founded, also, settled [ones], and being no[t] removed from the expectation of the evangel, of which you had heard, the [evangel] having been heralded in the every creation, the [creation] under the heaven, of which an [evangel], I Paulos had become a servant. 1:24 Now I rejoice in the sufferings over you, and to the shortnesses of the afflictions of the Anointed I instead-up-fill, in the flesh of me, over the body of Same, which be the ecclesia, 1:25 of which an [ecclesia] I, I had become a servant according-to the house-administration of the God; the [house-administration] having been given unto me, for’ you, to fulfill the word of the God; 1:26* to the secret, the [secret] having had been away-hidden from the eons, and from the generations, yet right-now, was manifested unto the sanctified [ones] of Same; 1:27* unto which [ones], the God had willed to acknowledge what [be] the riches of the glory of the secret, this [secret] among the nations: [The] Anointed among you, Which be, the expectation of glory; 1:28* to Which we, we announce; to every man admonishing, and to every man teaching in every wisdom, so-that to every man, a mature [one], we should beside-stand, in Anointed Yeshua; 1:29 for’ which, also, I labor, struggling according-to the operation of Same, to the [operation] operating in me, in power.

2:1* For to you I will to have had perceived, [that] to a prime-statured struggle I hold, about you, and of the [ones] in Laodikeia, and as-many [ones], to the face in flesh of me they have had seen not, 2:2* so-that they should be beside-called, the hearts of same [ones] having been together-united in love, and into every riches of the assurance of the intelligence, into a recognition of the secret of the God and Father, and of the Anointed, 2:3* in which a [secret] be all the away-hidden stores of the wisdom, and the knowledge. 2:4* Yet this, to you I say, so-that no[t] any [one] should beside-reckon in persuasive-word. 2:5 For even if I away-be, unto the flesh, but unto the spirit I be together unto you; to the arrangement and the solidness of the trust of you for’ [the] Anointed, rejoicing and observing you.

2:6 Therefore, as to the Anointed Yeshua, to the Lord, you had beside-obtained, [then] in Same be you about-walking, 2:7* having had been rooted, and being on-built in Same, and being confirmed in the trust, according-as you were taught; abounding in [the] same [trust], in thanking.

Doctrinal correction concerning Ephesian Truth – Having died with the Anointed

2:8 Be you observing, [that] any to you will no[t] be the [one] despoil-leading, through the wisdom-fondness and empty seduction according-to the tradition of the humanity; according-to the elements of the regulated-world, and not according-to [the] Anointed. 2:9 That in Same, the every fulfillment of the deity down-dwells bodily, 2:10 and you be, in Same, having had been fulfilled; which [One] He be, the Head of every preeminence and authority, 2:11* in which [One], also, you were circumcised unto un-handmade circumcision; in the away-out-slipping of the failings of the body of the flesh, in the circumcision of the Anointed. 2:12* Having been together-entombed in immersion unto Same, in which an [immersion], also, you were together-roused, through the trust of the operation of the God, the [God] to Same having roused out of the dead [ones]; 2:13 and to you, dead [ones] being among the deviations, and unto the foreskin of the flesh of you; to you He had together-vivified, together unto Same, [and] to all the deviations graciously-granting unto us; 2:14 to the handwriting, unto the decrees against’ us, having out-rubbed; which an under-opposing [thing] it was unto us; and to [the] same [handwriting] He has had lifted out of the amidst, to the same [handwriting] having nailed unto the stake; 2:15 to the pre-eminences’ and the authorities away-out-slipping; to [the] same [ones] He had shown, in boldness, having triumphed in [the] same [stake].

2:16* Therefore, any [one] to you, be him [no[t] judging in a consuming, or in a drinking, or in part of a festival, or a new-moon, or of sabbaths, 2:17* (which, of the [things] pending, a shadow it be, yet the body [it be] of [the] Anointed). 2:18* Not-yet-one to you, be him against-ruling, [and] willing in a humility and ritual of the messengers, to which [matters] he has had no[t] seen, intruding; being inflated futilely under the mind of the flesh of same; 2:19 and, to the Head not retaining, out of Which the evey body, through the connections and together-bonds being on-supplied, and being together-united, to the growth of the God it grows. 2:20 If you had away-died, together unto [the] Anointed, from the elements of the regulated-world, to what [matter] be you decreed, as [ones] living in a regulated-world? 2:21 "You should no[t] touch, nor-yet should taste, nor-yet you should contact;" 2:22 (all which [matters], into corruption be unto the away-affording), according-to the commandments, and to teachings of the humanity? 2:23* Any-which [matters], indeed, to a word of wisdom be holding in a willful-ritual, and humility, and an unsparing of body; towards a surfeiting of the flesh, [be] not any honor in.

Doctrinal correction concerning Ephesian Truth – Having risen with the Anointed

3:1 Therefore, if you were together-roused unto the Anointed, to the [things] above be you seeking, where the Anointed be, down-sitting at a right [hand] of the God. 3:2 To the [things] above be you disposing, no[t] to the [things] on the earth, 3:3 for you had away-died, and the life of you has had been hidden together unto the Anointed, in the God. 3:4* Whenever the Anointed should be manifested, then also, the life of ours; you, together unto Same, you will be manifested in glory.

3:5* Therefore to the members of you, the [members] on the earth, be you deadening: To fornication, to uncleanliness, to passion, to evil desire, and to the exploitation (any-which [exploitation] be idolatry), 3:6 through which [members], there comes the indignation of the God, on the sons of the unpersuadedness, 3:7* among which [ones], you also, when-once you had about-walked, when you were living among [these] same [things].

3:8 Yet right-now, you also, the all [things] be you away-setting: To an indignation, to a temper, to evil, to slander, to a shameful-saying out of the mouth of you. 3:9 For’ to one-another be you no[t] falsifying; to the former man away-out-slipping, together unto the practices of same; 3:10 and, to the young [one] having in-slipped, into the [one] beig renewed, a recognition to Same, according-to a resemblance of the [One] having created; 3:11 which-where there in-be, not a Greek and Yehudean [one], circumcision and foreskin, barbarous Scythian, slave [and] free [man], but [the] Anointed, among the all, and unto all [things].

3:12* Therefore, as out-chosen [ones] of the God, and sanctified [ones] having had been loved, to [the] viscerals of pity, to an obliging, humility, forbearance, [and] to a long-temper be you in-slipping; 3:13* enduring of one-another, and graciously-granting unto yourselves; if-ever any towards any [one] a complaint should hold, according-as, also, the Anointed had graciously-granted unto you, thus you, also. 3:14* Yet on all these [matters], the love, any-which, be a together-bond of the maturity. 3:15* And, the peace of the God be ruling among the hearts of you, into which a [peace], also, you were called in one body; and be you becoming thankful [ones]. 3:16* Be there indwelling richly among you, the word of the Anointed; in every wisdom, to yourselves teaching and admonishing; unto psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, in grace singing, in the heart of you unto the Lord. 3:17* And to every [thing], any which [thing] ever you should do in word or in work, to all [things] in [the] name of Lord Yeshua, thanking unto the God and Father, through Same.

3:18* The wives, be you under-arranging unto the[ir] own husbands, as was meeting in [the] Lord. 3:19 The husbands, to the[ir] wives be you loving, and towards same be you no[t] embittered. 3:20* The children, be you under-hearing unto the parents, according-to all [matters], for this be a well-pleasable [matter] in [the] Lord. 3:21 The fathers, to the children of yours be you no[t] inciting, so-that they should no[t] be discouraged.

3:22* The slaves, be you under-hearing according-to all [matters], unto the lords according-to flesh, no[t] in eyes-slavery, as man-pleasing [ones], but in an undividedness of heart, to the God fearing. 3:23* And to every [thing], which if-ever any [thing] you should do, out of [the] soul be you working, as unto the Lord, and not unto humanity, 3:24* having had perceived, that from [the] Lord the repayment of the allotment you will obtain; for unto the Lord Anointed you slave. 3:25* Yet, the [one] wronging, to which [thing] he had wronged, he will fetch, and there be not a partiality.

4:1* The lords, to the righteous [matter], and to the equality be you proffering unto the slaves, having had perceived that you, also, to a Lord among heavens you hold.

Paulos’ solicitude, and their prayers concerning his preaching of the Secret

4:2 Be you persevering unto the prayer, watching in same, ]and] in thanking; 4:3 praying, concurrently about us also, so-that to a door of the word the God should up-open unto us; to the secret of the Anointed to speak, through which a [secret], also, I have had been bound, 4:4 so-that to [the] same [secret] I should manifest, as to me it binds to speak. 4:5 In wisdom, towards the [ones] outward be you about-walking, to the season out-buying; 4:6 the word of yours, always in grace, unto salting having had been flavored; you have had perceived how it binds to away-judge unto each one.

Reports and messages by Tyhikos and Onesimos

4:7 To all the [matters] according-to me, Tyhikos the loveable brother, and trustable servant, and a together-slave in [the] Lord, he will acknowledge unto you; 4:8* which a [one], towards you, for’ this same [matter] I had sent, so-that to the [matters] about you he should know, and to the hearts of you he should beside-call; 4:9* together unto Onesimos, the trusting and beloved brother, which be out of you; to all the [matters] here, they will acknowledge unto you.

Epistolary and Salutation

4:10 To, Aristarhos, the together-capturable [one] of me, you he greets, and Markos, the cousin of Bar Nabba (about which, commands you had obtained, if-ever towards to you he should come), to same be you receiving; 4:11 and Yeshua (the [one] being said Loustos), the [ones] being out of circumcision; these only, together-working [ones] for the kingdom of the God, any-which, they had become a solace unto me.

4:12* To you, Epafras, the slave of [the] Anointed out of you, he greets, always struggling over you in the prayers, so-that mature [ones] you should stand, and in every will of the God having had been fulfilled. 4:13* For, I testify unto same, that to much zeal he holds over you, and of the [ones] in Laodikeia, and the [ones] in Hierapolis.

4:14 Loukas the physician, to you he greets, also the lovable Demas. 4:15* To the brethren in Laodikeia, also to Nympha and the ecclesia according-to household of same, be you greeting. 4:16* And whenever the epistle beside unto you should be read, be you doing, so-that also, in the ecclesia of Laodikeans should be read; and the [epistle] out of Laodikeia should be read, so-that also you, you should read. 4:17 And be you saying unto Arhippos: To the service be you looking, to which a [service] you had beside-obtained in [the] Lord, so-that to a same [service] you should fulfill. 4:18* The greeting of Paulos, unto the hand, mine. Be you remembering the bonds of me. The grace [be] with you. Amen.

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:49 pm
by TheEditor
Hi Robin,

In terms of modern English due to the overuse and commonplace view of the "cross", "stake" might be a better word to indicate suffering. However, I assume that given enough time, "stake" would take on a similar non-suffering image. I think it is the overuse of the term that takes away from it's meaning. Doubtless, to early Jews and Gentiles "cross" carried a bit more direct weight in terms of evincing suffering. By the way, I don't object to the JW usage of "stake", although the concurrent use of "impale" by them is misleading since in English "impale" connotes an entirely differnt scene. Also, the only real reason the JWs grabbed ahold of "stake" was to be different from Christendom. If Christendom in general, and the Catholic Church in particular hadn't seen fit to venerate and near worship the cross, the JWs probably would have kept using the term.

Regards, Brenden.

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:59 pm
by robinriley
TheEditor wrote:Hi Robin,

In terms of modern English due to the overuse and commonplace view of the "cross", "stake" might be a better word to indicate suffering. However, I assume that given enough time, "stake" would take on a similar non-suffering image. I think it is the overuse of the term that takes away from it's meaning. Doubtless, to early Jews and Gentiles "cross" carried a bit more direct weight in terms of evincing suffering. By the way, I don't object to the JW usage of "stake", although the concurrent use of "impale" by them is misleading since in English "impale" connotes an entirely differnt scene. Also, the only real reason the JWs grabbed ahold of "stake" was to be different from Christendom. If Christendom in general, and the Catholic Church in particular hadn't seen fit to venerate and near worship the cross, the JWs probably would have kept using the term.

Regards, Brenden.
Yes, some words do get worn out, or lose their meaningful impact from over or misuse ...

I'm wondering, did the Romans, then, leave these stakes in place, as a stark warning on the hilltop, or did they take them down, and again re-erect them for each execution ... I'm thinking, the Romans were efficient, and might not have wanted to waste the time and resources of installing a stake, each time an execution was called for; that is why not just leave the stark stakes in place, as a haunting reminder, warning ... and then, simply rope the "dead man walking" to the appropriate crossbeam, having him haul it to the killing fields, and then hoist him away, up on the stake, then putting him in final place, securing him with some big nails ... that's how I would have run the program.

And, there's nothing amiss with using new, differnt words, as long as they are accurate, and concordantly applied, that is, a particular English word, cant be used to represent more than one Greek word ... it is allowable to use more than one English word, for a Greek word, but again, none of these optional English words can be used elsewhere ...I've greatly enhance my vocabulary, over these past 12 years, by holding to this rule, while attempting to translate Paul's epistles ... Did you realize, that in Paul's 13 epistles (I suspect that Luke wrote Hebrews), that there are slighly over 7000 different words/ word forms (declenations, parsings, and spellings) ... that makes for a rather comprehensive (exhaustive), and might I say, impressive listing (hence, one of the very reason why it's taken me 12 or more years to "simply" come up with my own reading of these 13, rather short Pauline letters ... and I'm, yet, always finding places where adjustments are necessary.

So then, you've got me interested... just where do the Jw's use "impale" ... I just now looked in my 2013 copy of their "New World Translation," and couldn't find any reference to this in the back ... and Yes, I do, indeed, have a copy of the NWT, as I also do with about 20 other different translations ... there being some bit of wisdom in a multitude of councelors (said word being differnent from councilor) ... That is, I'm not JWphobic (as apparently, Paidion is), I just dont ascribe to some of their doctrines ...fact of the matter, I don't, honestly, ascribe to a good many of many so-callled "christian" doctrines ... to put the big rusty nail into the matter, me thinks that "christianity" will be the eventual "Beast," and that the "cross" will be their "666" ... so how's that for being an unlikeable forume member ... I'm Christ-centered, but not very "religious" ... so take me out, and haul me up on the crossbeam!

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:11 pm
by dizerner
robinriley wrote: I don't, honestly, ascribe to a good many of many so-callled "christian" doctrines ...
like what
to put the big rusty nail into the matter, me thinks that "christianity" will be the eventual "Beast," and that the "cross" will be their "666"
mark ppl w a cross?

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:08 pm
by TheEditor
Hi Robin,

I suspect you are right regarding the Romans and the upright beams awaiting a crosspiece.

As for "impale; the WT stopped using that word with the 2013 edition of the NWT. They had used it consistently from 1950 until then. In each case where the word was "crucify" they changed it to "impale." Now they use the words "fasten to the stake" or otherwise. Interestingly, when they changed the word they cited the obvious reasons for doing so--the meaning of impale means to be run through. Why they waited 50 years to change it I haven't a clue. Probably wooden-headedness.

I take it you are familiar with Knoch's Translation since you have used the word "concordant" several times.

By they way, you seem to have it in for Paidion. He has never spoken disrespectfully of JWs on this forum. I used to be one, and have been made to feel most welcome here (by most) and especially by Paidion, so I don't know where you get the idea he is JWphobic?

Regards, Brenden.

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:33 am
by robinriley
TheEditor wrote:Hi Robin,

I suspect you are right regarding the Romans and the upright beams awaiting a crosspiece.

I take it you are familiar with Knoch's Translation since you have used the word "concordant" several times.

By they way, you seem to have it in for Paidion.

Regards, Brenden.
The CLNT, another one of my go-to resources ... but lately I've found the Dabhar more to my liking, and Young's and the Rotherham are must reading ...
But AEK doesn't have a lock on the word concordant, it refers to a systematic method ... I like the word "transparent," too, that is, if one used the best
English word, for the underlying Greek word, and then uses it consistently, concordantly, this eventually helps the reader to "see" or perceive what the
underlying word, always is ... or so the theory goes.

Paidion ... we're buds ... he rubs my fur the wrong way, I rub his ... steel on steel sharpens both ... and all that rot ...
but yes, I may have mis spoke about him and the JW's ... he's the one that brought up the issue of the word stake, and how that's indicative of something ..
but that wasn't what was disturbing, just another discussion point, what was disturbing was the implied judgement that one is only pretending to be a believer,
if they believe that Jesus dies for all sins on the cross/stake ...So, off we go, Paidion and I, round and round for a round or two ... it all works out.

But what, really flabergasts me, is that Paidion is, apparently, saying that a believer doesn't die with Christ on the cross/stake, and that one isn't raised in His being resurrected ...
that caught me on the side of head, hard, and I guess what I'm really doing ... in my kind way 8> ... is poking at him, wanting him to explain these, his rather strange ideas?

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:40 am
by robinriley
dizerner wrote:
robinriley wrote: I don't, honestly, ascribe to a good many of many so-callled "christian" doctrines ...
like what
to put the big rusty nail into the matter, me thinks that "christianity" will be the eventual "Beast," and that the "cross" will be their "666"
mark ppl w a cross?
.... Ok, I give, what does "mark ppl w a cross" mean ... I tried to fit it to any number of differnt ideas, but cant for the life of me get this one ...?

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:43 am
by dizerner
robinriley wrote:
dizerner wrote:
robinriley wrote: I don't, honestly, ascribe to a good many of many so-callled "christian" doctrines ...
like what
to put the big rusty nail into the matter, me thinks that "christianity" will be the eventual "Beast," and that the "cross" will be their "666"
mark ppl w a cross?
.... Ok, I give, what does "mark ppl w a cross" mean ... I tried to fit it to any number of differnt ideas, but cant for the life of me get this one ...?
believe or not i was asking you how the cross will be 666...

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:38 am
by robinriley
The beast will not be seen as a "beast" ...Obviously, it will be perceived as a blessing, hence, the "instead" of Christ ...
And what's more logical a thing, than something religiously "acceptable" ... a religious/political monstrosity, to which
paeons of fervent praise, by the whole of humanity is offered up ... a religious/political monster, which impacts your
every breath, your well being, your wealth, your "security," you're very peace of mind ... your way of life, your "religion"
in other words, your "cross," around your neck, on a chain; the"fish" stamped upon your passport of "citizenship"
in the common "christian" good, will see through, confirm you as one of the them ... "How nice, how wholesome,
how very becoming and welcome" such a one will be ...

What's not to like, appreciate, venerate ... the systematic essense of the very "best" of the best of mankind ... the Beast, the mighty,
all mighty essense of man's best efforts to replace the need for God. The "cross" .... obviously, the most appropriate symbol, mark ...

Are you, then, a Christen ... you're in!

Re: what is 'this hope'?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:32 am
by dizerner
robinriley wrote:(Paidion)
I also don't believe that you "died on the stake with Christ."
You weren't around when He died on the stake, and there's nothing in the Scriptures that affirms such a strange idea.

..."strange idea" ... You flabbergast me, truly!

Colossians is one of my favorite epistles, I've just gone throught it again, making some further adjustment,
and looking for "strange ideas" ...thought you might find this interesting ...for your reading pleasure; enjoy.


The Layman’s Companion (TLC), Part A, Book 7 of 13, Colossians

Epistolary and Salutation

1:1* Paulos, an apostle of Yeshua Anointed through [the] will of God, and Timotheos the brother, 1:2* unto the [ones] in Kolassai, sanctified and trusting brethren in [the] Anointed: Grace unto you and peace from God our Father, and of Lord Yeshua Anointed.

Reports and messages by Epafras

1:3* We thank unto the God and Father of Yeshua Anointed, the Lord of us, always praying about you; 1:4* to the trust of yours in Anointed Yeshua having heard, and to the love, the [love] for all the sanctified [ones], 1:5 through the expectation, the [expectation] being away-laid unto you, among the heavens, to which an [expectation] you had before-heard, in the word of the truth of the evangel; 1:6* of the [evangel] into you beside-being, also, according-as in every [one], and unto the regulated-world being grown and it be fruit-bearing; and, according-as among you, from which day the grace of God you had heard and had recognized, in truth; 1:7* according-as, also, you had learned from Epafras, the beloved together-slave of us which he be, a trustable servant over you, of the Anointed; 1:8 the [one], also, to the love of you having evidenced unto us, in spirit.

Paulos’ solicitude, and his prayers concerning their acknowledgment of the Secret

1:9 Through to this [matter], we also, from which day we had heard, we cease not praying and requesting over you, so-that to the recognition of the will of Same, you should be fulfilled, in every wisdom and spiritual intelligence; 1:10* you to about-walk worthily of the Lord, every [one] a pleasing [one], for’ every good work fruit-bearing, in and for’ the recognition of the God, being grown; 1:11 in every power being empowered, according-to the might of the glory of Same; into every under-abiding and long-temper with joy; 1:12* thanking unto the Father, the [One] to us, for’ the part of the allotment of the sanctified [ones], in the light having fitted; 1:13 Which, to us, had rescued out of the authority of the darkness, and into the kingdom of the love, of the Son of Same, He had transferred; 1:14 in Which, to the away-ransom, to the remission of the failings, we hold; 1:15 Which, a resemblance He be of the God, of the unseen [God]; firstborn of every creation, 1:16* that in Same there was created the all [things], the [things] among the heavens, and the [things] on the earth; the seen [things], and the unseen [things], if-besides thrones, if-besides lordships, if-besides preeminences’ if-besides authorities, through Same and for’ Same, there has had been created the all [things]. 1:17 And Same be before all [ones]; and in Same, there has had together-stood the all [things].

1:18 And Same be, the Head of the body, of the ecclesia; Which, He be, a beginning, firstborn [One] out of the dead [ones], so-that Same afore-being, He should become among all [things]. 1:19 That in Same, He had delighted, the every fulfillment to down-dwell; 1:20* and through Same, for’ Same, to the all [things] to away-down-change, having made-peace through the blood of the stake of Same; through Same, if-besides to the [things] on the earth, if-besides to the [things] on the heavens.

1:21* And hostile [ones] when-once being, and having had been away-alienated unto the thorough-comprehension in the works, the wicked [works], [1:22*] yet right-now to you He had away-down-changed, 1:22* in the body of the flesh, through the death of Same; to you [as] sanctified, and flawless, and unindicted [ones] to beside-stand, down-insight of Same; 1:23* if-surely you on-remain unto the trust having had been founded, also, settled [ones], and being no[t] removed from the expectation of the evangel, of which you had heard, the [evangel] having been heralded in the every creation, the [creation] under the heaven, of which an [evangel], I Paulos had become a servant. 1:24 Now I rejoice in the sufferings over you, and to the shortnesses of the afflictions of the Anointed I instead-up-fill, in the flesh of me, over the body of Same, which be the ecclesia, 1:25 of which an [ecclesia] I, I had become a servant according-to the house-administration of the God; the [house-administration] having been given unto me, for’ you, to fulfill the word of the God; 1:26* to the secret, the [secret] having had been away-hidden from the eons, and from the generations, yet right-now, was manifested unto the sanctified [ones] of Same; 1:27* unto which [ones], the God had willed to acknowledge what [be] the riches of the glory of the secret, this [secret] among the nations: [The] Anointed among you, Which be, the expectation of glory; 1:28* to Which we, we announce; to every man admonishing, and to every man teaching in every wisdom, so-that to every man, a mature [one], we should beside-stand, in Anointed Yeshua; 1:29 for’ which, also, I labor, struggling according-to the operation of Same, to the [operation] operating in me, in power.

2:1* For to you I will to have had perceived, [that] to a prime-statured struggle I hold, about you, and of the [ones] in Laodikeia, and as-many [ones], to the face in flesh of me they have had seen not, 2:2* so-that they should be beside-called, the hearts of same [ones] having been together-united in love, and into every riches of the assurance of the intelligence, into a recognition of the secret of the God and Father, and of the Anointed, 2:3* in which a [secret] be all the away-hidden stores of the wisdom, and the knowledge. 2:4* Yet this, to you I say, so-that no[t] any [one] should beside-reckon in persuasive-word. 2:5 For even if I away-be, unto the flesh, but unto the spirit I be together unto you; to the arrangement and the solidness of the trust of you for’ [the] Anointed, rejoicing and observing you.

2:6 Therefore, as to the Anointed Yeshua, to the Lord, you had beside-obtained, [then] in Same be you about-walking, 2:7* having had been rooted, and being on-built in Same, and being confirmed in the trust, according-as you were taught; abounding in [the] same [trust], in thanking.

Doctrinal correction concerning Ephesian Truth – Having died with the Anointed

2:8 Be you observing, [that] any to you will no[t] be the [one] despoil-leading, through the wisdom-fondness and empty seduction according-to the tradition of the humanity; according-to the elements of the regulated-world, and not according-to [the] Anointed. 2:9 That in Same, the every fulfillment of the deity down-dwells bodily, 2:10 and you be, in Same, having had been fulfilled; which [One] He be, the Head of every preeminence and authority, 2:11* in which [One], also, you were circumcised unto un-handmade circumcision; in the away-out-slipping of the failings of the body of the flesh, in the circumcision of the Anointed. 2:12* Having been together-entombed in immersion unto Same, in which an [immersion], also, you were together-roused, through the trust of the operation of the God, the [God] to Same having roused out of the dead [ones]; 2:13 and to you, dead [ones] being among the deviations, and unto the foreskin of the flesh of you; to you He had together-vivified, together unto Same, [and] to all the deviations graciously-granting unto us; 2:14 to the handwriting, unto the decrees against’ us, having out-rubbed; which an under-opposing [thing] it was unto us; and to [the] same [handwriting] He has had lifted out of the amidst, to the same [handwriting] having nailed unto the stake; 2:15 to the pre-eminences’ and the authorities away-out-slipping; to [the] same [ones] He had shown, in boldness, having triumphed in [the] same [stake].

2:16* Therefore, any [one] to you, be him [no[t] judging in a consuming, or in a drinking, or in part of a festival, or a new-moon, or of sabbaths, 2:17* (which, of the [things] pending, a shadow it be, yet the body [it be] of [the] Anointed). 2:18* Not-yet-one to you, be him against-ruling, [and] willing in a humility and ritual of the messengers, to which [matters] he has had no[t] seen, intruding; being inflated futilely under the mind of the flesh of same; 2:19 and, to the Head not retaining, out of Which the evey body, through the connections and together-bonds being on-supplied, and being together-united, to the growth of the God it grows. 2:20 If you had away-died, together unto [the] Anointed, from the elements of the regulated-world, to what [matter] be you decreed, as [ones] living in a regulated-world? 2:21 "You should no[t] touch, nor-yet should taste, nor-yet you should contact;" 2:22 (all which [matters], into corruption be unto the away-affording), according-to the commandments, and to teachings of the humanity? 2:23* Any-which [matters], indeed, to a word of wisdom be holding in a willful-ritual, and humility, and an unsparing of body; towards a surfeiting of the flesh, [be] not any honor in.

Doctrinal correction concerning Ephesian Truth – Having risen with the Anointed

3:1 Therefore, if you were together-roused unto the Anointed, to the [things] above be you seeking, where the Anointed be, down-sitting at a right [hand] of the God. 3:2 To the [things] above be you disposing, no[t] to the [things] on the earth, 3:3 for you had away-died, and the life of you has had been hidden together unto the Anointed, in the God. 3:4* Whenever the Anointed should be manifested, then also, the life of ours; you, together unto Same, you will be manifested in glory.

3:5* Therefore to the members of you, the [members] on the earth, be you deadening: To fornication, to uncleanliness, to passion, to evil desire, and to the exploitation (any-which [exploitation] be idolatry), 3:6 through which [members], there comes the indignation of the God, on the sons of the unpersuadedness, 3:7* among which [ones], you also, when-once you had about-walked, when you were living among [these] same [things].

3:8 Yet right-now, you also, the all [things] be you away-setting: To an indignation, to a temper, to evil, to slander, to a shameful-saying out of the mouth of you. 3:9 For’ to one-another be you no[t] falsifying; to the former man away-out-slipping, together unto the practices of same; 3:10 and, to the young [one] having in-slipped, into the [one] beig renewed, a recognition to Same, according-to a resemblance of the [One] having created; 3:11 which-where there in-be, not a Greek and Yehudean [one], circumcision and foreskin, barbarous Scythian, slave [and] free [man], but [the] Anointed, among the all, and unto all [things].

3:12* Therefore, as out-chosen [ones] of the God, and sanctified [ones] having had been loved, to [the] viscerals of pity, to an obliging, humility, forbearance, [and] to a long-temper be you in-slipping; 3:13* enduring of one-another, and graciously-granting unto yourselves; if-ever any towards any [one] a complaint should hold, according-as, also, the Anointed had graciously-granted unto you, thus you, also. 3:14* Yet on all these [matters], the love, any-which, be a together-bond of the maturity. 3:15* And, the peace of the God be ruling among the hearts of you, into which a [peace], also, you were called in one body; and be you becoming thankful [ones]. 3:16* Be there indwelling richly among you, the word of the Anointed; in every wisdom, to yourselves teaching and admonishing; unto psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, in grace singing, in the heart of you unto the Lord. 3:17* And to every [thing], any which [thing] ever you should do in word or in work, to all [things] in [the] name of Lord Yeshua, thanking unto the God and Father, through Same.

3:18* The wives, be you under-arranging unto the[ir] own husbands, as was meeting in [the] Lord. 3:19 The husbands, to the[ir] wives be you loving, and towards same be you no[t] embittered. 3:20* The children, be you under-hearing unto the parents, according-to all [matters], for this be a well-pleasable [matter] in [the] Lord. 3:21 The fathers, to the children of yours be you no[t] inciting, so-that they should no[t] be discouraged.

3:22* The slaves, be you under-hearing according-to all [matters], unto the lords according-to flesh, no[t] in eyes-slavery, as man-pleasing [ones], but in an undividedness of heart, to the God fearing. 3:23* And to every [thing], which if-ever any [thing] you should do, out of [the] soul be you working, as unto the Lord, and not unto humanity, 3:24* having had perceived, that from [the] Lord the repayment of the allotment you will obtain; for unto the Lord Anointed you slave. 3:25* Yet, the [one] wronging, to which [thing] he had wronged, he will fetch, and there be not a partiality.

4:1* The lords, to the righteous [matter], and to the equality be you proffering unto the slaves, having had perceived that you, also, to a Lord among heavens you hold.

Paulos’ solicitude, and their prayers concerning his preaching of the Secret

4:2 Be you persevering unto the prayer, watching in same, ]and] in thanking; 4:3 praying, concurrently about us also, so-that to a door of the word the God should up-open unto us; to the secret of the Anointed to speak, through which a [secret], also, I have had been bound, 4:4 so-that to [the] same [secret] I should manifest, as to me it binds to speak. 4:5 In wisdom, towards the [ones] outward be you about-walking, to the season out-buying; 4:6 the word of yours, always in grace, unto salting having had been flavored; you have had perceived how it binds to away-judge unto each one.

Reports and messages by Tyhikos and Onesimos

4:7 To all the [matters] according-to me, Tyhikos the loveable brother, and trustable servant, and a together-slave in [the] Lord, he will acknowledge unto you; 4:8* which a [one], towards you, for’ this same [matter] I had sent, so-that to the [matters] about you he should know, and to the hearts of you he should beside-call; 4:9* together unto Onesimos, the trusting and beloved brother, which be out of you; to all the [matters] here, they will acknowledge unto you.

Epistolary and Salutation

4:10 To, Aristarhos, the together-capturable [one] of me, you he greets, and Markos, the cousin of Bar Nabba (about which, commands you had obtained, if-ever towards to you he should come), to same be you receiving; 4:11 and Yeshua (the [one] being said Loustos), the [ones] being out of circumcision; these only, together-working [ones] for the kingdom of the God, any-which, they had become a solace unto me.

4:12* To you, Epafras, the slave of [the] Anointed out of you, he greets, always struggling over you in the prayers, so-that mature [ones] you should stand, and in every will of the God having had been fulfilled. 4:13* For, I testify unto same, that to much zeal he holds over you, and of the [ones] in Laodikeia, and the [ones] in Hierapolis.

4:14 Loukas the physician, to you he greets, also the lovable Demas. 4:15* To the brethren in Laodikeia, also to Nympha and the ecclesia according-to household of same, be you greeting. 4:16* And whenever the epistle beside unto you should be read, be you doing, so-that also, in the ecclesia of Laodikeans should be read; and the [epistle] out of Laodikeia should be read, so-that also you, you should read. 4:17 And be you saying unto Arhippos: To the service be you looking, to which a [service] you had beside-obtained in [the] Lord, so-that to a same [service] you should fulfill. 4:18* The greeting of Paulos, unto the hand, mine. Be you remembering the bonds of me. The grace [be] with you. Amen.
Thanks for posting your translation of Colossians, I started reading it today. After chapter one I came to:

[The] Anointed among you, Which be, the expectation of glory

Could you explain why you translated "among you" instead of "in you"?