End Times
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Post by canada » Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:05 pm

Historicism does not need any "new prophets", it uses history and historians.
It is Futurism that likes to tell us "what is going to happen".

The events of 70 AD were prophesied and came to pass ... historicism accepts that.

Historicism recognized the number of the beast when it came to pass.
Historicism recognized the mark of the beast when it came to pass.
Historicism recognized the image of the beast when it came to pass.

As Sir Isaac said ... the scholar was to show that biblical prophecies had been fulfilled in historical events. One could know, however, only after the event, and it was not for the student of prophecy to become a prophet... until the event occurred, the prophecies pertaining to it could well remain obscure. This was an important point for Newton ... all would become clear in due course.

When God finally destroys that great city that has reigned over kings of the earth, then we will know whether preterism or historicism was correct in its understanding of the book of Revelation.

Whether it is Jerusalem City or Vatican City, Futurism will be saying, how can this be ... where is the numbered beast, where is the mark of the beast, where is the image of the beast.

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