Two Horizons view of Revelation
- darinhouston
- Posts: 3123
- Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:45 am
Two Horizons view of Revelation
Does anyone recall if Steve ever addressed what some call the Two Horizons view of Revelation? That the preterist and futurist views can be reconciled and both be true in some respects. That yes it had direct prophetic reference to Rome and Jerusalem and Jews but it still has a futurist application in a sort of recapitulation in the church future to us still.
Re: Two Horizons view of Revelation
It seems to me there's not much difference between combining the preterist and idealist view vs. combining the preterist and futurist view.
I know steve has said he interprets much of revelation in a preterist way, but some parts in a more idealist way. An idealist/spiritualist interpretation would yield application points into any age... certainly including the end of the age.
I find myself moving more toward a more holistic idealist view of most of the book. I think, like most of the Bible, it had a direct connection to the contemporary events of the time of the writing (and, thus, preterist in that sense), but I believe the Holy Spirit inspired Revelation in such a way that it really is an ideal book for navigating the spiritual battle in any age.
Of course, part of navigating the spiritual battle in any age is knowing in advance how the story will play out, at least in regards to the big picture. And so parts of the book are certainly futurist.
I know steve has said he interprets much of revelation in a preterist way, but some parts in a more idealist way. An idealist/spiritualist interpretation would yield application points into any age... certainly including the end of the age.
I find myself moving more toward a more holistic idealist view of most of the book. I think, like most of the Bible, it had a direct connection to the contemporary events of the time of the writing (and, thus, preterist in that sense), but I believe the Holy Spirit inspired Revelation in such a way that it really is an ideal book for navigating the spiritual battle in any age.
Of course, part of navigating the spiritual battle in any age is knowing in advance how the story will play out, at least in regards to the big picture. And so parts of the book are certainly futurist.
Re: Two Horizons view of Revelation
I agree with the direction Bopp's was taking. He saw the technology was bringing us into the time of deception -- if I understand Steve properly on this. But part of that deception is the popularity of the futurist view of Revelation, especially the pre-mil ideas. at the same time as Rev 20:7-10 deception is happening, the artificial fulfillment of pre-mil expectations is being staged. I think the evildoers will even use technology to create a fake idea of Christ appearing in the clouds. What may happen at that time is God's actual reversal of the situation and his bringing forth the judgment or destruction of the deceived nations as found in Rev 20:7-10. The effect is the fulfillment of Rev 20:7-10 while also fitting with the pre-mil expectations.

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