Prophecy Was Fulfilled

End Times
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Re: Prophecy Was Fulfilled

Post by canada » Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:58 pm

Awaiting a better biblical match (from a preterist, futurist or historicist) than what was presented in the opening article re pope John Paul II and 666.

It would not need to be the gematria of Hebrew or the isophezia of Greek because God DID NOT state the language to be used for the counting.

One logical reason for not stating the language to be used would be that it was not in existence in the day of John of Patmos but would be a language more common to the world of Christianity at the actual time of the beast of Revelation.

Naturally your suspect (and or his followers) would need to have a direct association with an identifying mark (charagma) on their right hand or forehead as noted in Rev 13:16

More convincing would be if your suspect had an association with a “speaking image” that somehow dies and yet comes back to life.

You will recall that each and every pope is another “papal peter”, for each pope is considered to be the … Image And Successor Of Peter”.

I would find it difficult to believe that you could provide literal evidence of him causing “fire to come down”, but I would point out that the KJV states that the fire comes down from “heaven on the earth”. Rev 13:13

Note that the fire does not come down from heaven (above) but rather from “heaven on the earth in the sight of men” and that the beast is associated with the performing of many “wonders” and “miracles”.

It should be noted that for the gullible Roman Catholic, their “heaven on the earth” is their beloved Vatican City. And I would ask, what other religion has claimed as many mighty miracles as the Church of Rome? Even raising of the dead has been claimed.

As noted in the opening post, the unusual papal “mitre” with its two “horns or tongues” represents (according to the Church of Rome) the tongues of fire that fell upon the apostles, and that is how Rome “causes fire to come down from heaven on the earth” in the sight of men.

According to one prophecy website, Pope John Paul II is the first pope in history to actually fulfill the 666 number using the language (Latin) and numerals of Rome … IVXLCD which just “happen” to sum at … 666

John Paul Second … IOANES PAVLVS SECVNDO = 666
1 60 605
The purists (Sedevacantists) within the Church of Rome consider John Paul II to be anti-pope and anti-christ as he supported Vatican II.

Using the most simple system of English wherein … A = 1 … Z=26
results in the following:



If you are considering Neron Caesar as your numerical “suspect” I would point out that this Latin form is then transliterated into Aramaic as NWRN QSR, but according to the rules of Jewish gematria, when a “nun” is used as a “final” it’s numerical value is not 50, but 700, resulting in 1316 not 666.

*Source: Behind Numerology, Shirley B. Lawrence, copyright 1989

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