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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:28 pm
by _Paidion
The one with the "ch" would be the correct transliteration into English. It is pronounced the way "ch" is pronounced in German, and in "ich". The "c" and the "h" are pronounced separately. Try pronouncing "ich" by lifting your tongue after the "i" and letting your breath escape from your mouth creating a sort of hissing sound.

The reason the English "x" should never be used for the Greek "chi" is that it is already used for the Greek "xi". This letter is pronounced as it is in English (ks). An example of a Greek word containing this letter is the preposition "ex" (out of). Our English word "exit" is derived from this preposition.

As for the Greek letter "upsilon", I prefer to use the English "u", but traditionally the letter "y" has been used, for example in the English "myth" which comes directly from the Greek word "muthos" (or "mythos".)

No one knows for sure how Greek words were pronounced in the first century. What we do know is that it varied considerably from modern Greek pronunciation.

Nevertheless, in answer to your question, I would pronouce "ichthus" as
"ich" (as in German) followed by the second syllable "thoos" (the short "oo" as in "book"). I know that some people pronounce the second syllable with a long "oo" as in "moon".

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:01 pm
by _TK
how about F-I-S-H?


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:37 pm
by _Rick_C
Bro TK, Y'all got Spring time upair yet? wrote:how about F-I-S-H?
F-I-S (except there's no "sh" letter or sound in Hellene).
ICQUS (is the actual deal via B-Greek, Paidion)
Bro Paidion, I could try to find whole long entire threads on this in Beliefnet archives. But well, anyways, you wrote:Nevertheless, in answer to your question, I would pronouce "ichthus" as
"ich" (as in German) followed by the second syllable "thoos" (the short "oo" as in "book"). I know that some people pronounce the second syllable with a long "oo" as in "moon".
If you wanted to have a nick that was the fish sign -- and -- who the fish sign is, you aren't a Calvinist on it, and you wanted to let folks know it in the nick (you know, "Jesus Christ, God's Son, [is the] Savior, and is for you") ... how would you do it? "ikthuce4u" was the only way I could get it narrowed down.

I suppose I could have logged on as:

But since almost everyone sez the "U" in "ikthuce" as "oo", at least down here in Ohio (from you guys)...and even hotshot Greek experts don't go "gutteral" when enunciating the X/C (letter Chi)....
Have a Good Evening, Paidion, lol

P.S. Almost everyone who "knew what the fish sign is" over at Beliefnet said they rilly liked my nick coz it was: the fish sign (ikthuce4u).
P.S.S. Have you guys voted? I haven't yet.
P.S.S.S. I almost started another thread on this (what we did @ Beliefnet sometimes on an "aside"). I thought about a thread on: How To Post Greek (that is to say, "in English" as I have Greek font but not everyone does).
