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Marriage will be used to destroy you.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:54 am
by _Prakk
I've been ridiculed for claiming that we need marriage contracts, and why. People have said, "That's a ridiculous scenario", and "that will never happen" to precisely these questions:
"How would divorce be handled in polygamy? Could two 'spouses' oust a third? What about property ownership -- could three out of seven spouses own property jointly apart from the others? Can a spouse in one polygamous marriage enter into another polygamous marriage without the consent of all the spouses of the original and the new marriages? What about inheritance? Tax returns? Child support? Powers of attorney? Right-to-die decisions?"
I have raised ALL of these issues privately and said that if I could think of it, someone else could. A person armed with a lawyercould and would raise havoc. There millions of lawyers out there, someone did think of it. To be truthful, I probably wasn't the first person to do so. WE NEED MARRIAGE CONTRACTS. The original quote can be found here: ... 5_03.shtml

Keep this in mind, once "Polyamoury" is legal, and from a legal standpoint "COMMON LAW" MARRIAGE LAWS THAT EXIST ALREADY will be used to create marriages even though you may not have registered them with the state. Then divorce laws can be applied to them in the above scenario.

A scarey scenario. You just graduated from College, you roomed with 3 other guys in the same dorm room. You get married, you have kids and those three guys show up, claiming that you were married to them, and sue to gain custody of your children with your wife, because after all, Polyamoury is legal, they claim you were in a "gay marriage" with them, they sue to get your house, your kids, everything. It is not that far fetched. It in fact will happen unless we take steps now.

Here's another. Maybe you're a new Christian. You had an "affair" and your marriage nearly broke up. You found the Lord. You and your spouse reconciled. It's not over. The jilted lover claims "marriage". It's going to get really ugly.

Here's another. A "Clan" marriage of a corporate nature is created. These powerful rich lawyered up people go around deliberately having affairs, rooming with people, seeking occasion, and then claiming marriage. They then use the courts to pillage marriages of assets and children. They could even be a child porn ring or pedophiles looking for new victims.....

Hugh McBryde

Re: Marriage will be used to destroy you.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:54 pm
by _foc
No offense, hugh, but common law marriage laws have been dying a slow death for years now.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:27 pm
by _TK
hey-- i have a law degree-- i need to jump on that bandwagon! what a gravy train!


i dont think even america has sunk so far as to let those scenarios take place. although i wouldnt be 100% shocked, i must admit.


Obsessed are we?

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:49 pm
by _Prakk
foc wrote:"No offense, hugh, but common law marriage laws have been dying a slow death for years now."
None taken, but if you want to talk to me, you know where and under what conditions. Stop following me around trying to stir things up.
TK wrote:"i dont think even america has sunk so far as to let those scenarios take place. although i wouldnt be 100% shocked, i must admit."
Rather than wait for that to just "happen" wouldn't it be wise to prepare?

Hugh McBryde

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:27 am
by _Jim
Well if someone wants to destroy me through marriage then so be it. They can take it all as far as I am concerned. Its not like I am going to need anything in Heaven.



I get it, give up.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:25 am
by _Prakk
Jim wrote:"Well if someone wants to destroy me through marriage then so be it. They can take it all as far as I am concerned. Its not like I am going to need anything in Heaven."
Thanks for a window into your soul. You seem to be saying that nothing we do here is of any importance or consequence.

Hugh McBryde

Of course, my idea was far fetched and insane.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:34 am
by _Prakk
I am of course a total wack job and am just making up frightening stories. :shock:
KATHLEEN HARRIS of Sun Media wrote:May 31, 2006

"Multiple-wife marriages have been legally recognized in Canada to award spousal support and inheritance payments.

The former Liberal government long maintained that polygamy is criminal in Canada but documents obtained by Sun Media under Access to Information show that polygamous marriages have been recognized 'for limited purposes' to enforce the financial obligations of husbands.

Religious organizations say same-sex marriage opened the door to decriminalizing polygamy, and worry that formal recognitions of plural marriages will weaken the government's ability to defend the anti-polygamy law if it faces a constitutional challenge on religious grounds. A polygamist from Bountiful, British Columbia has warned he will fight for his constitutional right to have plural wives on religious grounds."

Keep in mind that our more liberal justices are looking outside the country for legal precidents with which to advance their agendas. Wrong? Of course it is, but they do it anyway.

Hugh McBryde

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:25 pm
by _Micah
I guess I am not understanding your point here. If I roomed with three guys in college how can they say we were married unless they have a marriage certificate with my signature and legally signed by a licensed individual to perform marriages? Could you please clarify. Thanks.

Hi, my name is Bill, glad to meet you, I want a divorce.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:44 pm
by _Prakk
It has long been thought by those of us watching this seriously from the sidelines, that the next step after "homosexual marriage" would be "bisexual marriage". The reasoning is as follows: Many Gays insist that they were "born that way", that the attraction they feel for the same sex is programmed into them geneticly, so that's the way God made them, so they should be able to get married.

Next step. If we as a society conclude that those with a "sexual orientation" should be allowed to express it through what is legally called marriage, then bisexuals should be able to do so. This means that a minimum of three persons need to be in a marriage, One being bisexual, or as it is indelicately put, "swinging both ways".

Next step. This is structurally a Polygamy. One man, two women, one woman two men, etc. The numbers barrier is hereby broken offering the structure of marriage to bisexuals because of their natural "orientation" just as it has been offered to Gays.

Those of us playing social prophets did not count on what has actually happened. A new term has been invented called "Polyamoury", this is really a Polygamy but "Polyamoury" means however many men and however many women relating to one another sexually in whatever way they see fit. Man on man, woman on woman, several men on one woman, several women on one man, several women and several men, etc. As long as they are of legal age and defined as "committed" to one another, so be it. This is now the NEXT STEP.

Combine this with "common law" marriage statutes or principles, and the court's proclivity in these days and times in any country to simply declare things to be true and let us deal with the aftermath. It is not a far fetched step to say that one day you might find yourself involved in a divorce proceeding with someone you merely roomed with. Thus I say that marriage contracts are a necessary legal defense. Some method by which we legally define the sort of relationships that we are in needs to be produced so that we can protect ourselves. Otherwise, if your spouse has an affair, you may someday end up in divorce court, getting divorced from someone you just met.

Hugh McBryde

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:57 pm
by _schoel
Rather than wait for that to just "happen" wouldn't it be wise to prepare?
I'm confused as to what action you are proposing and if taking that action would be consistent with the teachings of Jesus.

:?: Is this a concern of protecting our stuff and $$?
:arrow: Jesus said to let them have what they ask for and perhaps even more.

:?: Is this a call to mobilize politically?
:arrow: Jesus said that His kingdom is not of this world.

:?: Is this an advocacy of government sponsored marriage licenses?
:arrow: Jesus affirmed that marriage is God's institution and the government and it's marriage licenses seem pretty useless in upholding the sanctity of marriage.