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How good and how pleasant...

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:05 pm
by _Perry
Brody, Stephanie, Derek, and Steve,

We just wanted to let ya’ll know what a blessing it was for us to visit with you guys last weekend. It was truly uplifting spiritually, and an absolute example of Psalms 133.

Thanks to Brody and Stephanie for arranging Steve’s visit, and for opening your home to us. Your enthusiasm for the things of God is infectious. Stephanie’s tireless service was much appreciated.

Thanks to Derek for your pleasant and graceful manner, even when we were disagreeing about specific doctrines. That’s an example I need to more closely follow. I really enjoyed our discussions and hope we can have many more in the future. I’m sorry we weren’t able to visit more with your friends from home church.

Thanks to Steve for being so transparent and for sharing so much of yourself. It’s a sad commentary that we are too often disappointed by those we admire at a distance once we see them in real-life circumstances. Rarer still is coming away from such encounters with an even higher opinion than you held before. And, yes, you really do sound like Jeff Goldblum. :D

You guys were a blast. We definitely need to do it again. It was spiritually uplifting for all of us Alabamians.

Thanks again and God bless,

Perry, Sharon and Bob.

P.S. We took a few pictures that we’ll make available to you guys fairly soon.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:23 pm
by _Perry
Here's a link to those pictures. These are fairly large, so dial-up users be warned.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:42 am
by _Derek
I too, had a wonderful time. It was really a blessing to meet you, Sharon and Bob (tell them hi for me).

I cannot remember better fellowship so far in my Christian experience. I came away refreshed.

God bless brother!! We need to do it again soon. We need to really think about a quarterly meeting or something.

In Jesus,

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:46 am
by _Derek
Perry wrote:Here's a link to those pictures. These are fairly large, so dial-up users be warned.
Thanks for loading these up man.

God bless,

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:23 am
by _Steve
Thanks Brody and Stephanie, for the (lengendary, Southern) hospitality.

It was great to meet all of you folks and, it is true, it was a very rare thing to have that kind of fellowship, where a room full of people can literally sit in the same living room all day together for three days, and not sense the time dragging by, or have a moment of bordom.

Perry, I try now to listen to my voice and see how anyone would think it sounds like Jeff Goldblum (whose speech mannerisms always annoyed me), and, Brother, I just can't hear it—even though my own voice always annoyed me also, but in different ways. :-)

Anyway, you made a great mistake in posting those pictures of me. You could have gotten a lot of money out of me by blackmail, simply by threatening to post them! Two of them are not very mortifying, but the rest seem to catch me in the middle of a grimmace or some other facial contortion. Or maybe I should just admit to myself what I am continually denying—namely that I really do look as bad as all extant pictures of me indicate! My avatar here is about three years old. In your pictures, I think I look ten years older!

Anyway, the pictures are good of everyone else, and I am glad to be able to view them. You guys are really great folk!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:52 pm
by _brody_in_ga
Words cant really do justice to the great time we all had together. It was magical to say the least. The fellowship was the best I have ever experienced. Thank you Steve for coming, and thanks to everybody else who showed up and made me understand what true fellowship is supposed to be like.

Thanks Perry for the pictures, although I look like an overgrown Huck Finn. :oops: :shock:

Also Perry, we need to set up a monthly or bi-monthly meeting where you and your family and Derek and his can come here and have fellowship.

Let me know what would be good for you guys. Peace.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:09 pm
by _Allyn
How about a more central location - like Nebraska?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:12 pm
by _TK
I am glad you guys had such a great time. I sure wish I was closer.

One thing that I am learning (not sure why it has taken so long) is that for me, at least, real spiritual growth seems to take place when I am in close fellowship with other believers, vs simply studying on my own. I am sure you can testify to this first hand after your weekend.

Steve, your pictures looked fine. You are in good company- i think most of us dont like the way we look in photos (which is why i always take the pictures :wink:


What a wonderful moment in a Christians life!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:36 pm
by __id_1712
I had an amazing time!! The fellowship did me wonders and, even though I was in the kitchen most of the time, I truly enjoyed getting the chance to hear so much wonderful discussion about God's word!
Perry, Sharon, and Bob - I hope we can see you all again soon! I think Sharon and I would have a good time cooking up all kinds of good stuff to eat! It was a true pleasure to meet such wonderful people! I too wuold have paid big money for those photos! I promise that I wasn't in as bad a mood as those pics portrayed and I am officially on a diet =-)! However, I'm glad we captured the memories.
Derek and Alicia - It is always a pleasure to have you in our home and we love you guys so much! I hope that perhaps we can visit you! You are, of course, welcome here any time!! Thank you for all your help during our great weekend!!
Steve - I can not express how moved I was by meeting you and visiting with you! If ever there was a person in which God's love truly shone through, it is you! You are so dear to us and I hope that you will grace us with another visit some day! Our home will always be open to you and all the "Southern Hospitality" that goes with it!! God bless you and your ministry!
All my love to all of you!

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:26 am
by _STEVE7150
How about a more central location - like Nebraska?

Or NYC, everyone's fav Christian town after Hollywood :lol:

Steve, you look good but i like you better with the mustache.