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Do you think the Black Hebrew Isrealites are a cult?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:19 am
by redtex78
Over the past year, a former friend has converted to be a "Black Hebrew Isrealite", denouncing any other church and their teachings. From what i have seen, they will attack people with clips of scripture to provoke anger and confusion, in essence, isolating themselves from people outside of their community of believers. They also appear to be doomsday preppers, collecting firearms and such. I would like a community opinion of this group of people. Here is a brief profile that i found about their faith:

Re: Do you think the Black Hebrew Isrealites are a cult?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:17 am
by steve
I have had a few calls and emails from these people over the past few years. They are definitely cultic. It seems to be yet another way for angry black racists to legitimize their superiority as a raceā€”like the Black Muslim Movement. It seems to me that they are trying to have an alternative to the Black Muslim Movement that connects more with scripture. Of course, they twist every scripture that they touch. I don't know why racism persists at all in the 21st century. I guess it is just an expression of angry frustration.

Re: Do you think the Black Hebrew Isrealites are a cult?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:23 am
by redtex78
Thanks Steve. Its sad because the guy i knew is not the guy he is now. His dad is a pastor at an African Methodist Episcopal chruch in Spokane WA, and he even denounces his mother and father.

He doesnt openly appear to be racist, because there are a small group of white followers that subscribe to this way of teaching. Maybe they are accepted because they support the cause.?.?

Anyhow. I enjoy your show and your input. Thanks for the quick response.