Word of Faith...Healing part of the Atonement?

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_Aaron Toews
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Word of Faith...Healing part of the Atonement?

Post by _Aaron Toews » Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:48 am


I was reading the Spirit Filled study Bible to see how Word of Faith Teachers defend their interpretation on Isaiah 53:4 and Matthew 8:17.

They say, that we say, that the healing part of the prophecy spoken of in Is 53:4 was fulfilled in Jesus' healing ministry as pointed out by Matthew (8:17)...but they say that sometimes the word fulfilled was used to discribed something that is not just fulfilled at one time and place, but for the whole Church age.

So, they would say that that verse just conferms that the prophecy declaires that all believers in the Church age will be healed.

I would say (as you said in your word of faith tapes) that this was fulfilled before Jesus went to the cross, so the scripture itself interprets the meaning.

I was wondering if you had some further insight on this and their translation of the word "fulfill".

They also say that we believe that when the scripture says "He was bruised for OUR iniquities" we believe "OUR" means all of us (who believe) but when the scripture says "Surely He has born OUR griefs" (sickness) that we dont believe that that "OUR" means eveyone who believes. (because we believe that that our means just those Jesus healed in his healing ministry.

I would say if it wasn't for the rest of the bible...none of us would know what either of the "OUR"'S mean anyway. The rest of the bible tells us that Christ died for all of OUR sin.....but it never says that he died for all of OUR sickness.

Also Romans 8 says that if Christ is in us our spirits are alive but our bodies are dead because of sin. I have always thought that this shows us that Paul never taught that Christ equals 100% healing all the time because if he did he would never have said that our bodies are "dead" (plus that would be a negative confession)

According to word of faith doctorine...our bodies are dying, then we get Christ...then our bodies will be as they were before the fall. Of course this should mean we should never die but all christian die including all the apostles.

What do you think, does that hold up?

If anyone else has insight to this, please respond.

Word of Faith is saturating mainstream Christianity, this is a relevent issue that we will all come across sooner or later.
We should have an answer.

Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.

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