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What exactly is Ecumenism???

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:39 pm
by MMathis
I have read pages and pages of history and Vatican II type info.

Still makes no sense to me.
I heard Irvin Baxter on End of Times TV show talk about it with regards to the New World Order.
He stated Ecumenism plays a part. 1 currency, 1 government, 1 philosophy, 1 Religion or belief system, etc.

We attend a Lutheran / Missouri Synog Church. I thought they were against Ecumenism and the other Evangelical branch of Lutherans is in favor of it. It sounds like the Catholic Church is all for it as long as the Pope gets to run the show.

What does the Peanut Gallery say about it. If you are too young to know what the peanut gallery was, sorry. :D

Re: What exactly is Ecumenism???

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:08 am
by mattrose
Seems to me that the 'good' sort of ecumenism is simply anything that attempts to bring all true Christians into a greater sense of unity. The 'bad' sort of ecumenism is simply the attempt to include non-Christians into this unity... it is bad because they are not uniting around a correct view of Jesus. The 'bad' kind is better defined as religious pluralism.

I was recently reading a book by Clark Pinnock in which he said it was time for the Protestant branch to stop protesting (since, in his view, the Roman Catholic Church has largely corrected its errors from the time of the Reformation), but to bring this reconciliation about the Roman Catholic Church should drop the concept of the Pope's authority.