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Promise of revival

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:07 pm
by _Anonymous
the promise of revival is conditional;

2 Chron 7:14

1. Humility I believe many christians (churches) are backslidden and they do not know it. This is because they have been taught that money, good health, successful professions and increase of earthly goods are the signs of spirituality. They dress in the finest clothing and adorn themselves in name brand designs, but God says, " you are naked."

The truth of repentance, sancification and crucified life, deeds of sacrifice, holiness, joy of suffering, coming judgement and hell are not being preached.

2. pray

seek my face
turn from your wicked ways

ALL great revivals came as a result of people praying. Livingstone prayed all night before preaching a sermon where 500 people were saved.

"Ye shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart." Jer. 29:13

God was married to backslidden Israel. Todayhe is also married to a backslidden gentile church who loves only things her bridegroom can give her. prosperity, gifts of Spirit, peace fellowship with other christians, good health and many other things but does not love him. She is the woman who is more in love with her diamond engagement ring then the man who gave it to her. Yet, in spite of her condition, if she returns to him, he promises to hear from heaven forgive her sins and heal her land. Revival is the healing of severed relations between God and man.

Revival is repentance and forgiveness.

I am currently attending a "seeker friendly" church or at least it is moving in that direction.... God help!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:18 pm
by _Anonymous
Charles Finney said, " Frequently God went before him, so that when he arrived at the place, he found the people already crying out for mercy. Sometimes the conviction of sin was so great and caused such fearful wails of anguish that he had to stop preaching until it subsided."
Charles Finney said that without the baptism of the Holy Spirit it is impossible to effectively do God's work. That is because the Holy Spirit sends the rain.

Lord, teach us to pray