Man's thoughts are the determining factor
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Man's thoughts are the determining factor
Religion has essentially taken the power from man and placed it in a God in the sky, and many people are waiting for a God in the sky to answer their prayers. But all of your prayers have to be answered through you and by the nature of your thoughts and by the quality of the vibrational frequency you are sending out to the universe. God isn't going to bypass you in answering your prayers. God isn't going to bypass our stinking thinking and our bad attitudes and create our lives because that is not according to the law of how he operates. We create our own lives by the one law. “As a man thinks, so is he”. When we send out thoughts that vibrate and align with the good that we desire, your good must come to you by the God power of your mind. “ It is useless to pray to ask God to operate or to do some one thing for you while you are busy thinking or believing the opposite.” A man's thoughts are the determining factor in how God operates in his life.
Re: Man's thoughts are the determining factor
God forbid that this be the process for answered prayer. "There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end is death" (Proverbs 14:12). Hopefully you will be of a mindset to correct people of that errant doctrine. Also, God has a history of helping people in ways they do not expect and in a fashion contrary to their expectations. This is also reflected in God's grace. The doctrine you mention sounds new agey and opposed to God. You can call on Steve Gregg's radio show and get a bit more insight into this issue.focusedman wrote: ↑Sun Apr 14, 2024 7:21 pmReligion has essentially taken the power from man and placed it in a God in the sky, and many people are waiting for a God in the sky to answer their prayers. But all of your prayers have to be answered through you and by the nature of your thoughts and by the quality of the vibrational frequency you are sending out to the universe. God isn't going to bypass you in answering your prayers. God isn't going to bypass our stinking thinking and our bad attitudes and create our lives because that is not according to the law of how he operates. We create our own lives by the one law. “As a man thinks, so is he”. When we send out thoughts that vibrate and align with the good that we desire, your good must come to you by the God power of your mind. “ It is useless to pray to ask God to operate or to do some one thing for you while you are busy thinking or believing the opposite.” A man's thoughts are the determining factor in how God operates in his life.

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Re: Man's thoughts are the determining factor
God works through thought. And the Lord is the law by which God operates. The Bible teaches that God can do anything and that's correct and it's not correct. God is Almighty, that's the correct part of it but Almighty God operates according to law and the one law he operates in concerning man is “As a man thinks so is he” Proverbs 23:7. The entire universe is governed by law. God has created universal laws; “the law of attraction, the law of correspondence, as above so below” etc. and that is how God operates and not through the religious beliefs that God or Satan is up there pulling strings and determining our lives. Daniel 10:12 states that “I have come for YOUR prayers and YOUR words. “Death and life are in the power of OUR tongue” Proverbs 18:21.When we operate according to laws that God has created we can receive the good that we desire through this abundance system and not have to rely on the money system that man has created. Study out the Universal Laws God has created for us to govern our lives. God works through thought. And the Lord is the law by which God operates.
Last edited by focusedman on Fri May 03, 2024 12:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Man's thoughts are the determining factor
That concept is too new agey. It appears to be pieced together by the scattered verses. The idea is sort of word-of-faith stuff which diminishes the real significance of our faith which refers to trust toward God and the truth God shares. An example of overstatement of the scripture is in Prov 18:21 which just warns that we need to be careful what we say -- it is like making someone so distraught that they commit suicide. It is not like we can act like witches and curse someone to death.focusedman wrote: ↑Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:57 amGod works through thought. And the Lord of the law is how God operates. The Bible teaches that God can do anything and that's correct and it's not correct. God is Almighty, that's the correct part of it but Almighty God operates according to law and the one law he operates in concerning man is “As a man thinks so is he” Proverbs 23:7. The entire universe is governed by law. God has created universal laws; “the law of attraction, the law of correspondence, as above so below” etc. and that is how God operates and not through the religious beliefs that he or Satan is up there pulling strings and determining our lives. Daniel 10:12 states that “I have come for YOUR prayers and YOUR words. “Death and life are in the power of OUR tongue” Proverbs 18:21.When we operate according to laws that God has created we can receive the good that we desire through this abundance system and not have to rely on the money system that man has created. Study out the Universal Laws God has created for us to govern our lives. God works through thought. And the Lord of the law is how God operates.
Furthermore, as I understand it, the phrase "as above so below" or variations of that are based on deep occultism. That should be a sign to turn away from such doctrine and dig deeper into scripture.

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Re: Man's thoughts are the determining factor
"As above so below" aka "the law of correspondence" aka "the mirror principle" simply states that man's inner world (spirit, mental) creates his outer world (physical). Science tells us that the physical world is 99.999999 empty space and energy and 00.000001 matter. This is the very reason that the outer world follows the inner world because this physical world is made up of energy and energy is created in the inner world. Jesus knew this and said "whatsoever things you desire, believe that you have received them (spirit, mental) and you shall have them (physical)." Jesus knew the outer world follows the inner world and that is the same power he used to create the world when he said "let there be" and there was. The Elite has tried to hide this method and removed books from the Bible. God's method of living (providing for ourselves) is abundance; connecting our thoughts to the quantum field and the feelings we send out must be returned to us in it's manifestation. Man's method is money; working and selling. The whole object of the human experience is to win back our power, win back our freedom. The society we live in is designed to control all of us. God bless you brother and I hope you wake up, come out of the Matrix and start to use your God given ability.
Last edited by focusedman on Sun May 12, 2024 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Man's thoughts are the determining factor
There are mysteries revealed in Christ but there are not any such mysteries in scripture as you are proposing. Without you showing how Christ revealed some hidden truth after 2000 years, you will need quite a strong argument and many scriptures in their context. This is especially critical when you are sharing what appears to be purely occultic teaching that detracts from faith toward God.

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