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Re: Holy Mystery of Love

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:21 pm
by kaufmannphillips
darinhouston wrote: Specific declaration of dogma?!?!?! I'm only talking about boldly proclaiming our prayers in the name of our God and not turning them into some sort of generic metaphysical poetic spirituality discourse friendly to a pagan civil ceremony. And not being afraid to pray in the name of Jesus so it's clear where our faith is placed. If we can't do that, what's the point of a priestly invocation?

It's not necessary to speak the name of one's beloved to invite their presence, to call them into closer communion. And that's what's really important. That's the role of priestly ministry - a mediating role - facilitating communion between the divine (on one hand) and humans (on the other).

The words we use - even names - are only tools. They're not a primary concern. Two parties can meet and get to know each other in meaningful ways, without ever knowing each other's names.

And sometimes - many times! - words and names are obstacles to meeting and knowing each other. Sometimes they evoke unhelpful assumptions; sometimes they trigger hostile or defensive attitudes in the heart or mind.

People's minds and hearts are formed by different things that they've been taught and have experienced. Some persons will arrive at the present day with immense negative baggage attached to the words or names that you or I might prefer, depending on our dogma. In such cases, are we likely to facilitate communion with these people, using those names or words?

Certainly, there are times for boldness and clear declarations of various things. But on reflection, wouldn't you agree that the Holy Mystery of Love spends a lot of time - maybe most of the time! - working in ways that are patient and subtle and forbearing?

How much time does our Beloved spend, not confronting us, but nurturing trust and affection and slow growth until we are ready to engage something in a beneficial manner?

When we are both wise and righteous, forbearance and discretion do not stem from fear in our hearts, but from love. And when, remaining sensitive to the holy spirit, we work to facilitate love - between our neighbors, and ourselves, and the divine; living and moving and having our being - in this, our Beloved is not offended.