Home schooling in trouble!

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Post by _PAULESPINO » Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:48 am

ps. Science, physics, calculus, biology and many other modern educational topics aren't as important to learn as our culture thinks they are for the majority of people. I'd rather my children be Godly janitors than brilliant professionals who hate or ignore God.
I think Godly janitors are there for a reason and that is they were assigned by God. And there are many brilliant Christian lawyers, doctors, engineers,
teachers who are Godly.
I think we can rephrase the statement quoted above:
ps. Science, physics, calculus, biology and many other modern educational topics aren't as important to learn as our culture thinks they are for the majority of people. I'd rather my children be Godly brilliant professionals than janitors who hate or ignore God.
I worked as a part time janitor during my school days and I think it is one of the best job out there .By the way there are many janitors who are not Godly.
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Post by _PAULESPINO » Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:27 am

At the moment I'm not offended by the government to require parents to become a certified educator in order to teach their children .
But I'm against with the government taking our kids away from us if we don't comply.

My reasons for not being offended:

1. My moral values are not compromise if I comply to what the government is asking.

2.Romans 13:1 says that we should comply to the governing authorities if it is not against the teachings of God.
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God
3. Most universities require students to have a specific grades and if the students did not make it then he will not be able to qualify.

4. Science, Math, History, Philosophy are God's creation and therefore is good to learn and to keep them in our knowledge. We have to remember the most brilliant apologists are those who knew science, math , history and philosophy. We need to be well verse in all subjects not only Bible if we want to become victorious in answering questions by unbelievers. the only way to become well verse in all subjects and of course that includes the Bible is proper training starting from our childhood.

I also think that the government is doing Christian parents a favor by asking them to become a certified educator because in this way their skills in teaching will improve and therefore can become more effective in teaching their kids and others.
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Post by _darin-houston » Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:11 am

Another thing to keep in mind -- I think we may sell ourselves short -- if we can't learn along with our kids on their level, we may well shouldn't be doing the teaching, but that doesn't mean we can't direct the learning.

Also, I've met a fair number of educators (apologies to those who are offended) who don't know the subject material much better than their students. Years of teaching a curriculum means they may know the curriculum pretty well, but have likely forgotten as much as we have outside the curriculum.

I say this not to lambast teachers, but to encourage those of you who may be considering it but have bought into the lie that you aren't equipped.
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Post by _schoel » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:00 am

ps. Science, physics, calculus, biology and many other modern educational topics aren't as important to learn as our culture thinks they are for the majority of people. I'd rather my children be Godly janitors than brilliant professionals who hate or ignore God.
My point in making this statement wasn't to describe that being a janitor or professional is more or less Godly. I was indicating that the core educational concept that I want to teach them is to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, regardless of what they do to earn a living.
PAULESPINO wrote: I also think that the government is doing Christian parents a favor by asking them to become a certified educator because in this way their skills in teaching will improve and therefore can become more effective in teaching their kids and others.
While many homeschool folks are reacting to this decision like Chicken Little or Henny Penny ("The sky is falling!"), this decision by the courts just seems absurd to me.

I respectfully disagree that the government is doing anyone a favor. To reiterate, a teaching certification is not a magic fix to educational problems. While certification isn't required in private schools or homeschooling(recent court decision notwithstanding), students from both of those score significantly higher in all subjects than those educated in public schools, where all who teach in it are required to have teaching credentials.

There are many factors involved in why this is the case, but I wanted to point out is that lack of teaching credentials doesn't result in an educational experience that is worse nor does requiring educational training result in better education.

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Post by __id_2622 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:48 am

As one who has experience being homeschooled and going to public school, homeschool is definitely the best choice. I went to public school until 6th grade and was freaked out by going to junior high since I was only 10 (I had skipped 1st grade). I homeschooled for three years (the last year was kind of like a year off because I wanted to be in the right age group) and then went back to public school for highschool because I was deceived into thinking it was going to be fun. By the end of my sophmore year I was completely over it and tested out. However, I did meet my husband there, so not all is lost.

I'm not sure what the full story is on this homeschooling issue (whether the government will really crack down on homeschooling in CA or not), but I think that even if you couldn't homeschool due to lack of a teaching certificate it wouldn't be the end of the world. You could easily supplement your child's education at home, which is what my parents did, and even reteach them the truth, my parents weren't and aren't Christian so there was none of that going on, but it is what I would do for my own son. I would say the worst thing about public school isn't really the teaching, but more the exposure to rebellious kids. You're not present to regulate who your kid is hanging out with for 7 hours each day. As long as you teach your kid to stand up for what's right in God's eyes and that usually whens standing alone, and you have confidence your kid can do this, it'll be okay. But, even in homeschooling, falling in with the wrong crowd can happen, especially if you're not involved in a Christian homeschooling group.

And, if you are homeschooled or go to public school you can test out when you're 15 in CA by taking the CHSPE and start attending a junior college instead (this is what I did). If you're really concerned about getting a good education, or as good as you can get from an institution, this is a good jump-start. However, the longer I'm a Christian the less I'm concerned with the world of academia.

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Post by _PAULESPINO » Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:49 pm

Hi Schoel,
There are many factors involved in why this is the case, but I wanted to point out is that lack of teaching credentials doesn't result in an educational experience that is worse nor does requiring educational training result in better education.
I'm changing my opinion regarding homeschooling. I believe you and others are right. Therefore I'm now offended by what the government is planning to do ( prosecuting those who does not comply ).
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Post by _Michelle » Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:58 pm

The government is planning to prosecute those who don't comply?
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Post by _PAULESPINO » Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:53 pm

Hi Michelle,
The government is planning to prosecute those who don't comply?
Is the question directed to me or in general.
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Post by _Michelle » Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:05 pm

In general. Or you, if you know something about it.
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Post by _PAULESPINO » Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:54 pm

Hi Michelle,

I'm making an assunption that if parents do not comply in becoming a certified educator or if they don't stop homeschooling their children then they may be prosecuted. I'm basing my assumption to what Justice Croskey said.
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