I'm Requesting Prayer...(if you feel "led").

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I'm Requesting Prayer...(if you feel "led").

Post by _Rick_C » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:05 pm

Last June I started a thread named:
I seldom ask for prayer online....
I'm not asking anyone to read it, who didn't.
It wound up becoming something like a "personal journal".
(And that's not what's usually done on forums, etc., netiquette-wise).

However, I'm in need of prayer again and am posting about it.
Thanks in advance for reading this.
I'll do my best to be brief.

I moved back to my small hometown in Ohio in 2001 because my father was very ill. He was, essentially, the only reason I moved back. I'm very glad I did as I got to spend Dad's last year on earth with him. He passed away Dec. 10, 2002. He was a Christian and I'm doing fine with "grief." I'm assured he's with God right now, amen.

Before moving "home" I knew the local economy was primarily factory and warehouse type work. What I didn't know is that about 95% of all hiring is now done through temporary agencies in this area.

My plan was simply to move back to my hometown, get a good steady job, and "just live." I've managed to live! but still haven't gotten a decent and doable job.

What I mean by "doable" (is health related issues).
(1) I have recurring tinnitus (ringing in the ears) that comes back when I am in too loud of an environment. I had to quit one factory job because it was too loud...with earplugs and those "mickey mouse" hearing protection things.
(2) I have nasal polyps which were surgically removed at a V.A. Hospital in January (the V.A. is my "medical insurance"). They removed 2 cups full! ... but I had to wait for an opportune time for the surgery. I needed 4 weeks to recuperate---and would not be paid while off. The opportune time came when I got laid-off from a job I had been hired-in as a full-time employee (having gotten the job first through a temporary service).

So, I can't work in loud environments and where there are harsh chemicals and/or dust in the air (as my V.A. doc advises. Otherwise, my nasal polyps can grow back and completely clog my sinuses). This limits the jobs I can take (in my area)...unless I want to, or am forced to, put risks to my health.

Since FEB 2007 I have worked twelve jobs at different locations and in four towns!!!
Two of them were reassignments "for health reasons" with temporary agencies: (8 others were simply temporary reassignments that ended). The "permanent job" I was laid-off from (last year) didn't want to hire me back.
(A couple days ago I learned the company is going overseas anyway: And this may have been their reason?).

Up to date.
Since May (of this year) I've had 3 jobs.
Two were through a temporary agency, one was a "regular job" which I got fired from...due to not being fast enough: It was "piecework," filing car parts. When I was hired the boss said, "Now, not everyone can become fast enough. We'll give you two months to get up to speed but if you can't do it, we'll have to let you go. It's nothing personal if that happens. Not everyone can do this type of work." I was let-go after 5 weeks. As a result, I wasn't eligible for unemployment benefits (in Ohio you have to work at least 6 weeks). I could, potentially, contest their letting me go before two months...but I wasn't anywhere close to the hourly rate...and don't think I could ever make it.

This job was at a "slow time" anyway due to the slowness in auto sales: I wasn't getting many hours and needed another job to begin with.

Two weeks later I got a job through a temps service and thought, "Things are working out!" I liked my job assignment and most of the people there, who were "full-time," had been initially hired through temps. I had my hopes up.

Two weeks later (last week) my assignment ended (you usually don't get any kind of warning). However, last Tuesday I got another assignment...(Oh, Boy!)...and last Friday that assignment ended: I have one more paycheck coming in this Friday and no unemployment benefits. Just before the temps agency called to inform me my assignment ended last Friday, I went and talked my landlord out of evicting me from my apartment. (I'm behind) and assured her I'll catch up "since I now have a job with overtime"....

I must be in the wrong field or "calling" something! (?), :lol:
Along these lines, a friend of mine and I talked about "what she does" about a month ago. She does "caregiver" work, which is going around to peoples' homes to assist them with ADLs (medical abbreviation for "activities of daily living").

After I told her I was a U.S. Navy Neuro-Psychiatric Technician (aka, Mental Health Tech.) for seven years, she said, "Why don't you do this kind of work?" I've thought about it since...and also thought my temporary assignment would still be in effect by now....

Yesterday I called a local Caregiver company and briefly outlined my experience in mental health, mentioning that I've never actually done caregiver work (though I certainly did in the Navy). They need workers.

Today, I suppose I've just been "exhausted"...after all this stuff....
I didn't go apply at the Caregiver company but did manage to outline a resume' (a rough draft).

Tomorrow I'll get the resume' done and go apply for the job.
(The lady at the Caregiver company said they would be busy with meetings today and that they wouldn't be able to talk with me at all...so I'm hoping and planning something will work out soon, perhaps tomorrow).

Thanks very much for reading this and for the fact that FBFF (Steve Gregg) "allows" these kinds of threads!
For anyone who feels led, I need your prayers! & God bless you all! :)
Last edited by _Rich on Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by _darin-houston » Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:18 pm

I'll pray (and have already done so) for you, Rick -- this sounds like a good opportunity for you -- I hope it works out!
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Post by _Rick_C » Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:23 pm

Thanks so much, Darin, :)

P.S. & btw....
I'm still on the "list" for future temps jobs...they could call tomorrow.
And, if my many jobs seems confusing to anyone: It is to me too!
(I can't name them all off without referring to a list).

I feel good about a possible caregiver job.
I like meeting people and always seek wisdom from older folks.
Anyways, thanks again Brother Darin for your continued prayer!
Last edited by _Rich on Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by _Michelle » Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:30 pm

Rick, I'm praying for you, too.

I'm glad that we have a place like this where we can share personal stuff and pray for each other and all. Now...if only I could figure out a way for all of us to be in one room together someday...
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Post by _Rick_C » Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:44 pm

Hi Michelle...thanks so very much to you too, :)

One room for all of us, you'd like, eh?
The New Heavens and New Earth are shaped like a box!!! (see Re 21:16a).
(But maybe I should've posted this on the Eschatology board (?).
'Cept I'm kinda looking toward future things too! ... and am rambling, Thanks!
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Post by _Rick_C » Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:22 pm

Quick Update

Today I applied for the Caregiver job.
The Director "glanced over" my resume' and was saying, "Hmmm, I see...I see..." (as in, she was impressed by my expereince as a Navy Neuro-Psychiatric Tech. (aka, Mental Health Tech., though NP Techs. actually do more stuff like give meds, at least in the Navy, anyway).

I didn't have an interview but briefly outlined my experience and interest in this line of work. The Director said that she just filled several positions last week and that the new Caregivers are now in training.

She added that she's getting "so many new job orders" (first time clients) daily that she will have to do some more hiring in a week or two....

By all appearances I'll be hired...soon!
Thanks for your prayers folks & God Bless Yous! :)
Last edited by _Rich on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.
“In Jesus Christ God ordained life for man, but death for himself” -- Karl Barth

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Post by _Rick_C » Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:51 pm

Right Quick.

Due to some "mixups" (I'll call them)....
I may not be on the web for a while starting tomorrow....

So If I'm not around...I would hope to be back online in a month or so.
'Till Next Time, Thanks & Take Care! :)
Last edited by _Rich on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.
“In Jesus Christ God ordained life for man, but death for himself” -- Karl Barth

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