Steve on Buddhism & Christianity, which lecture?

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Steve on Buddhism & Christianity, which lecture?

Post by _Rick_C » Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:21 am

Hello all,

In one of Steve's lectures, he compared & contrasted Buddhism & Christianity. It was an especially insightful overview and summary. However, I can't remember which lecture it was.

When I first heard it I thought, "Wow, this is awesome! I should write this stuff down!" (but didn't). I can remember some of the lecture but should have taken notes!

Does anyone know what lecture/series this was from?
I could really use the information as I've been encountering some Buddhists in a chatroom I visit. I've been thinking the lecture was one of the "Suffering" lectures but haven't located it yet, after re-listening to about 5 of them (and have benefited from these again, regardless), :)

Steve (if you see this),
I'd like to see you do more apologetics work on World Religions and "Christian Worldview"...above and beyond what you've done. And maybe on "Jesus Seminar" type stuff and/or Revisionist (liberal) Christianity. (Just a request because you did so well with Buddhism & Christianty, imo! I know yer a busy man already too)!

Thanks in advance, anybody, :)
Last edited by Guest on Wed Dec 31, 1969 7:00 pm, edited 0 times in total.
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