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Newspaper Exegesis

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:52 pm
by Soulsnaxx

"Cell phones will enable everyone in the world to watch the Two Witnesses being killed in Jerusalem, therefore fulfilling prophecy." So says a caller to The Narrow Path Radio Program, hosted by Steve Gregg.

There seems to be no end to the coincidences many people can see between Bible prophecy and current events. This happens because instead of carefully comparing Scripture with Scripture, they compare newspaper headlines with select verses of Scripture, and then conclude that much (or most) of prophecy must pertain to our present time, or to the very near future. They fall for the seductive lure of Newspaper Exegesis. That is, they read Scripture in terms of newspaper headlines, rather than letting Scripture speak for itself.

In this video, Steve Gregg discusses Newspaper Exegesis with a caller.

Re: Newspaper Exegesis

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:26 am
by jarrod
Soulsnaxx, you are awesome for creating and sharing these! Thank you brother. I just heard him go into more detail on this topic as I was listening to the GCS lectures on Rev 11 so I guess this type of thinking has been prevalent since "global" TV networks were in place. I still have difficulty identifying the two witnesses as the Church, but Steve makes a good case and I don't have any other great suggestions.
Soulsnaxx wrote:In this video, Steve Gregg discusses Newspaper Exegesis with a caller.

Re: Newspaper Exegesis

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:26 pm
by nancyer
Am I correct in understanding that everyone, every living soul, will all see Jesus upon His return, at the same time, understand His words, and know it is Him completely? In other words, there won't have to be rumors about the Coming of Christ because everyone will know it when it happens? So, therefore, all rumors of Christ's appearance will be false because they are rumors. I'm not sure where I first heard or read this but I like it and if there is scripture that explains this, could someone please point it out?

Blessings in Christ,

Re: Newspaper Exegesis

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:56 am
by steve
Everyone will know when Christ has returned, because the earth will be burned up in that event (2 Peter3:10-13). There will be no possibility of missing it.