The "Seven Mountains" of Influence

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The "Seven Mountains" of Influence

Post by TK » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:48 am

Do any of you know anything about this topic? Apparently Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham (founder of YWAM) had a shared vision in '75 about the need for the Church to retake the 7 mountains of influence for the Kingdom (business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion).

I was just wondering if any of you are involved in this or know any specifics about it, since there are conferences, etc.

website is here:


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Re: The "Seven Mountains" of Influence

Post by mikew » Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:15 pm

This sounds like a version of Dominion Theology which is essentially a Post-Mil doctrine since the Post-Mil holds that the kingdom of God is on earth now. I came out of a church group that probably was influenced by the same idea. Now I do see that the kingdom had started in AD70 but would have to say that Christ is the ruler that causes change rather than the church as an agent of change. So there is a problem when the church groups try to exceed the purpose and design of God. ( Though I also see that God is doing His will despite what we all do.) There simply is no Bible passages saying that the "church" is supposed to actively influence these seven areas -- nor is there a specific model of "church" that scripture reveals that could or should have influence over these seven mountains. That is to say that the "church" basically means the general body of believers, not a certain organization of men that exercises influence on governments, arts,etc.

There would likely be a backlash by governments aware of this 7 moutains doctrine in that these nations would not like to see Christians come in and influence or replace their rulership. Christianity could be further blocked from these nations in response to such doctrine.

Doctrinally the Seven Mountains concept replaces the influence of the Word of God with a church program to influence the world. I think Christians simply have the job of evangelising (especially if you are an evangelist) and of living as believers, sharing the love of Christ with one another. If you are prone to run for government or to promote passage of reasonable laws, as an individual in the community, then such influence is proper -- merely acting in accord with your nature and your beliefs.
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Re: The "Seven Mountains" of Influence

Post by TK » Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:09 pm

Hi Mike-

you wrote:
since the Post-Mil holds that the kingdom of God is on earth now.
regardless of eschatological viewpoints, don't you agree that the KOG is here now?

I dont know much about dominion theology other than it may have a somewhat militant aspect; from what I have read about this seven mountains theme I dont get the idea that this is some christian militant attempt to force itself into the seven areas, but rather through typical christian methods (prayer, fasting, evangelizing, etc)

The site i linked to (upon further inspection) appears to be a site about how to take back ground for the KOG in these seven areas in one's workplace.


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Re: The "Seven Mountains" of Influence

Post by mikew » Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:48 pm

Some people don't really say the kingdom is here but they say the kingdom is in believers.
But I do see His political kingdom as having started, much like the Post-Mils.

Definitely we all could desire to see more godly government, arts, religion, etc. around us. That would be the appeal of such doctrine. But the Seven Mountains idea would seem to be out of purely reactionary motives rather than of seeing the doctrine first in scripture.

The reaction would seem to be in response to the American 50s culture that seemed to have everyone going to church on Sundays with religious mayors, govenors, congressmen and presidents in rule. The link mentioned of "reclaiming" our culture. But this may have been just a culture image rather than deep rooted Biblical maturity.

Though the Seven Mountains design may not have militant overtones yet still it seems to lack the biblical foundation. Yes there can be some biblical themes applied (praying for leaders, evangelising) but the directive to change or reclaim certain areas of culture and government doesn't have the Biblical basis.
Scripture only said to pray for the leaders that we may have peace, not that the government would again be "Christian"

One thing that seems really popular today among church groups is the effort to change this or to fix that. But the real need is for the believers to show love to one another -- just having the proper operation of the members.
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Re: The "Seven Mountains" of Influence

Post by TK » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:23 pm

i cant disagree with the sentiment of what you are saying.

but at the same time, I believe that the Church( i.e., the KOG) SHOULD influence our culture, like yeast that leavens the whole batch of dough.

In other words, if the Church functions as you state (" just having the proper operation of the members") then the culture WILL be influenced. that's what happened during revivals like the Great Awakening.

But i think I see where you are coming from. Those that stress reclaiming the 7 mountains seem to be outward focused (i.e. we need to reclaim these areas by doing certain things) vs. being inward focused (if we make and become true disciples of Christ THEN those areas will be reclaimed as a natural result).


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